Ninphaion which was brought to light and examined.
Studies have been re-engaged in 1993 by the Università di Vene-
zia under the direction of prof. Gustavo Traversari. Till today the
effort has been dedicated to a survey aimed to identify and to
catalogue all the distinctive elements.
The photogrammetrical section of the CIRCE is in charge of the
measured survey of the city, of individual buildings and of specific
architectural details (capitels, mouldings, ...).
The city has very consistent ruins clearly identifiable and explored
very superficially: two theaters (conventionally called the “roman
theater” and the “greek theater”), parts of an acqeduct, a
gymnasium, a stadium, the bouleuterion, a necropolis, the city
gates, the remains of a bridge, traces of temples and thermal baths.
One of the main problems encountered during the recognition of
the site is the absence of any cartographical support on which the
distinctive emerging elements can be located.
The lack of cartography creates problems at the various levels of
the general survey at the urban scale, at the architectural scale as
well as the scale of details.
The photogrammetrical survey of the archeological site of
Laodiceia has three main purposes:
. the survey of the urban area,
. the survey of some architecturally significant buildings,
. the setting up of a "container" to catalogue the various distinctive
elements at any different scale.
The entire survey work is referred to the system defined by the
major topographical net.
For the survey of the urban area a special flight has been
commissioned: the entire archeological area has been
stereoscopically covered with films at the average scale 1:2500.
The photogrammetrical restitution will map the territory at the
scale 1:500. A grid (5x5 m) will be produced for a Digital Terrain
Model (DTM).
The DTM has the purpose of:
. representing the morphology of the site through contour lines or
axonometric views,
. creating the model of the heights to produce a orthophotograph
at the scale 1:2000.
For the measured survey of the architectural remains two different
operational procedures have been used:
. overlapping pairs to be analytically restituted of the facades where
details are still recognizable,
. converging photographs to be restituted with monoscopic
systems; in some case to overlap and complete the stereoscopic
pairs in some others when stereoscopic restitution is particularly
Capitel and base from Laodiceia
difficult (the case of completely ruined buildings).
This option is consequent as in a archeological measured survey
are very often missing those "geometrical references" that
generally guide the architectural restitution: vertical lines,
horizontal lines, interpoling planes parallel to the avarage course
of a facade. There are so many problems that sometimes it is even
difficult to choose a significant plan of representation. Non-
stereoscopic photographs allow more “freedom”: there is not the
necessity to identify previously the restitution plane.
The photogrammetrical survey is not exclusevely aimed to pro-
duce measured drawings: the overlapping pairs and the
topographical control points constitute an archive of the formal
character (dimensional and geometrical) of the architectural
findings that can be questioned and used in any convenient
Up to now the survey has involved:
. the bouleuterion,
. the Ephesia gate,
The "greek theater"
] In
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DTM of the archeological site (grid 5x5m.)
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996
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For the catalog
grid will be u:
rectilinear line
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informations a
grid system.
To make the idi
Axonometric v
East and west
Stereometric j