Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

The details of this 
this algorithm are 
Direction in 
f which the 
of point are 
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computed from the 
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one surface i.e. an 
ators is required for 
igure 3 shows this 
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1, L Surf. 1. 
12 L Surf. 2. 
N3 1 Surf. 3. 
> valid uniformity 
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puted at each point 
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ably be expected at 
points lying on a smooth surface, indicating that the point lies 
on a sharp edge. 
3.1 Nature Of Data Sets. 
The algorithms to be evaluated have been successfully applied 
to computer vision and machine intelligence tasks. A number 
of difficulties were encountered in developing the algorithms. 
These were due to the differences between the target field data 
sets and the data sets used in the computer vision applications. 
Computer vision data sets are continuous images of only a 
portion of the object, with an established perspective. The 
target field data sets are discrete points, representing the entire 
object. These differences have a significant impact upon the 
processing strategy to be adopted. 
It was intended that surface normal information and curvature 
information could be considered simultaneously in a three 
dimensional | clustering algorithm as suggested by 
Krishnapuram and Munshi (1991). However, the problems 
detailed below have resulted in an alternative processing 
strategy being adopted. 
3.2 Edge Point Identification. 
Edge points in the data set need to be given special treatment 
regardless of the application. In computer vision applications 
the continuous data sets lend themselves to edge point 
identification, using well established filtering and simple edge 
operators (Fan et. al. 1987). The contaminating effects of these 
edge points on surface feature computation can be reduced or 
removed by masking out edges in the images. 
No simple and effective method was found for identifying edge 
points in the discrete data sets based upon information that 
could be computed for each point and its nearest neighbours in 
isolation. An approach based upon analysis of surface 
curvatures required the use object dependent thresholds. 
Furthermore, this approach was not considered to be reliable. 
Therefore, a computational approach requiring the 
identification of edge points prior to point grouping was found 
to be inappropriate. 
The contaminating effects of edge points on surface features 
computed at neighbouring points could not be reduced or 
removed. Instead, edge points were left in the data set in the 
knowledge that these and other points effected by their 
contaminating effects would fall out of the clustering process 
as isolated points. Edge points would not be grouped with 
‘regular’ surface points as they do not exhibit features 
consistent with the majority of points in the data set, ie 
significantly larger curvatures. 
3.3 Approximating Surfaces. 
The initial algorithm development was undertaken using an 
approximating surface of the type used by Flynn and Jain 
w(u,v) = C; u*+ C; wv v4 C;uv- C, + C5 v? 4C, uv 
+ C; v -* Cau Co v * Cj 
This approximating surface was replaced by the one presented 
in Section 2, as the higher order function behaved poorly in the 
vicinity of edge points. When used in a least squares fitting 
process the high degree of freedom of the approximating 
surface meant that it would often produce a good fit on all data 
points in the surface patch, regardless of edges. This was at the 
expense of a suitable representation of the underlying surface. 
The simpler equation of section 2 produced a surface that 
fitted a majority of points in the patch without unnecessary 
oscillations in the approximating surface. 
3.4 Surface Normal Directions. 
The surface normal directions and their functions are valuable 
quantities for the decomposition of data sets in both computer 
vision and target field generalisation. 
The continuous data sets used in computer vision applications 
are less susceptible to ambiguities associated with surface 
normal computations than the target field data sets. In 
computer vision applications only a portion of the object is 
considered (viewed) from a single point. This significantly 
reduces the range of surface normal directions returned for 
points on the object. There are no ambiguities caused by 
normals being returned that are parallel or near parallel but in 
opposite directions. In computer vision (range data) all surface 
normals are 'out" of the object, ‘towards’ the sensor. In 
addition, occlusions in the images mask out portions of the 
object in which ambiguous surface normal directions could be 
computed eg. potentially ambiguous normals perpendicular to 
imaging direction are not computed. (Figure 4a.) 
The data sets representing objects to be generalised in this 
evaluation have no established perspective and embody the 
entire object. The surface normals are computed from 
continuous local approximations of the discrete data set and 
the surface normal can be on either side of this surface. The 
surface normals can be ‘into’ or ‘out of the object. When 
considering these surface normals there is no limit on the 
range of directions to be considered. Therefore, parallel and 
near parallel normals in opposite directions, which are 
‘similar’ despite apparent differences must be accounted for in 
the clustering process (Figure 4b.) 
(a) (b) 
Bl Occludedarea. — --» Ambiguous surface normal 
(parallel and opposite 
Figure 4. Ambiguous surface normals. 
Instead of adding information to the point grouping process the 
surface normal directions when computed for the entire object 
tended to only confuse the clustering algorithm. Despite their 
value the surface normal directions are not suitable for direct 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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