Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

input into a clustering algorithm for this application. Instead 
the value of the surface normal direction needs to be exploited 
on selected portions of the data set where there range of 
directions is limited and can be used to resolve ambiguities 
arising from planar regions in the data set. 
The minimum and maximum curvatures at a point have been 
found to be the only uniformity measures that are suitable for 
direct input into the selected clustering algorithm for this 
application. These values do not introduce ambiguities or 
uncertainties into the point grouping process, however 
considering these two measures in isolation will group points 
according to surface type alone, ie. planar, cylindrical, 
spherical and conical. Further processing is required if points 
on the same surface type but with different orientations are to 
be split, along with points on the same surface type with 
similar orientations but in different locations. 
Thus, the following processing strategy will be adopted: 
- Minimum and Maximum curvatures will be considered in 
isolation: grouping points according to surface type alone. 
A two dimensional version of Jolion’s algorithm will be 
- Points on planes of different orientation will be split by 
considering surface normal directions for planar portions of 
the data set in isolation. This, limits the range of normals 
to be considered, and reduces the complexity of the 
ambiguities associated with this measure. 
- The proximity of points will be evaluated to split points 
lying on surfaces of the same type, but in distinctly 
different locations. 
- Edge points (ungrouped in a two dimensional clustering 
algorithm) will be assigned to multiple point groups based 
on the geometric fit of the point to the underlying surface 
of each point group. 
The difficulties encountered in algorithm development detailed 
in this paper are related to the application of the uniformity 
and proximity measures to the generalisation of target fields. 
The problems encountered do not indicate a failing of the 
uniformity and proximity measures in concept, only in 
application. The problems associated with the application of 
these measures will be addressed with the development of the 
refined computational approach, in which surface curvature 
and surface normal data are not considered simultaneously. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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