Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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The 3D-feature reconstruction is based on methods 
presented by Mulawa and Mikhail", namely linear 
feature based photogrammetry. The approach aims to 
use liner features as primitive, so the point to point 
correspondence is substituted with feature to feature 
correspondence. That means we do not have to 
measure image points of a 3D-point, but image points 
belonging to a 3D-feature. The feature, in our case line 
feature, is identified in multiple frames and bundle 
adjustment is performed to solve the camera orien- 
tations as well as the feature line parameters. The 
feature lines are presented as parametric lines. This 
formulation has been used earlier in presenting 
geometrical modeling systems in CAD/CAM app- 
lications. The photogrammetric presentation binds one 
single pixel observation to 3D-feature estimation, so 
no line form fitting is needed in 2D space. The line 
features are not the only feature type which have this 
kind of formulation to present. Also circles, ellipses, 
and other conic section curves, as well as splines, have 
the photogrammetric relation between image obser- 
vations and feature parameters. The lines are though 
the most robust features to identify and to extract. 
Actually, lines are not able to solve the feature 
triangulation alone, also other feature types like 
circles have to be included, unless some constraints of 
line intersection are determined. In this case, 
triangulation is possible with line features alone. 
The feature triangulation constructs a stable frame 
work for additional measurements. Other features can 
be measured from image sequence by directing the 
measurements and identifying the feature types by 
the operator. After that, the automatic feature 
extraction as well as feature matching will do the rest; 
find and extract the feature from subsequent images. 
This presented system can be adapted when 
measuring facades of buildings as well as other objects 
which have to be measured precisely. Also e.g. in car 
collision tests, the system can be applied in a little 
modified form. 
The three dimensional form fitting can be done by 
using pixel coordinates as observations, as well as 
points measured with subpixel accuracy. Using rough 
pixel coordinates means that we have larger variance 
of the observations but if the estimates are unbiased, 
results should be the same as when using subpixel 
coordinate values. The reliability is based on how 
accurately the edge detector can find the real edge and 
how invariant it is against noise of the image. The 
result of the LSQ-estimation is depending on the 
"goodness" of the observations. That means all gross 
errors have to be excluded out of the estimation with 
some robust way. One way of doing it is to use Hough 
transformation which is a very robust method to find 
out gross errors and to use it for feature classification. 
In this research we have chosen the Random Hough 
Transformation because of its low computing 
consumption and high accuracy. More details of RHT 
are given in Chapter 3.1. 
2.1 Edge detection 
For edge detection traditional gradient operators 
(Roberts, Prewitt, Sobel etc.) are adequate if the 
images are free of noise. In case of video images and 
outdoor circumstances, noise unfortunately is part of 
the game. Those gradient operators which indicate the 
local gradients, produce a large response for a large 
grayscale gradient, where the “Gradient-sum”, 
proposed by Rosenfeld', is more immune to large edge 
spikes due to the smoothing effect of the summation. 
The standard procedure in practice is that before edge 
detection some smoothing will be performed for the 
image. The Canny operator’ is based on linear 
gradient of the input signal with Gaussian smoothing 
as an integral part of the operator. This operator is 
appropriate for video images which usually need 
smoothing before edge detection. With Canny operator 
the level of smoothing is determined by the o of the 
Gaussian function. The Canny operator is related to 
the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) operator, but it uses 
the first derivate of the Gaussian function when LoG 
uses the second derivate. The direction of the gradient 
can also be calculated, which might be helpful in the 
feature matching stage although the estimates of the 
direction are not quite accurate. 
Edge strengthening is especially worthy when using 
noisy images. This helps finding the final edges by 
detecting the maximum of gradients. The automatic 
thresholding is often based on the maximum value and 
variance of gradients. The thresholding is applied for 
extracting all prominent edges and ignoring weak, 
noisy edges. Thresholding can be done locally or 
globally. Local thresholding means that in a smaller 
region the maximum gradient and the variance are 
calculated and in this area the threshold value is 
based on those indicators. 
After finding the prominent edges, edges have to be 
grouped together with some criteria. That might be 
e.g. the common gradient direction. One way is to use 
a line following algorithm. As we are trying to use 
linear features to depict the object structure, Hough 
transformation is appropriate for the task. Also combi- 
nation of these is possible, here we have used edge 
linking algorithm and applied Hough transformation 
If we consider the 2D projection of three dimensional 
features, a space line which is also a line in 2D, a 
circle which is an ellipse in 2D and an ellipse which 
projection is an ellipse are best features to use respect 
to automatic feature classification with Hough trans- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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