Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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1eering and remote 
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AMI - 13, No. 8, Pg. 
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1993. Model-based 
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3. An Abstraction- 
)etermination From 
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eometric Primitives. 
. 58. No. 1. Pg 1 - 
Antonio Arrighi 
Person in Charge of Photogrammetric Department 
Military Geographic Institute, Florence-Italy 
Commission V, Working Group 4 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, History, Agriculture, Close Range Three-dimensional Image 
LG.M.I surveyed the Pulci tower and its surrounding area in order to document the material consequences of the attack on May, 27 
1993 in Via Georgofili. A three-dimensional numerical photogrammetric survey of the area was made. Several 3D views were 
obtained. The simulated models correspond to assonometric and prospectic representations of fixed conditions of observation, 
illumination, time and position of the surveyed area. The complete work is represented in the attached images. 
The Italian Military Geographic Institute (I.G.M.I), the Land 
National Mapping Agency, is the only state institution which is 
still situated in Florence. 
The reasons for its presence, lasting more than 130 years, 
cannot be considered accidental. 
The ties which have deeply-rooted LG.M.I in Florentine 
cultural traditions are represented by those scientific, 
professional and human values that make the activity of the 
"Institute" similar to the expression of one of Florence's 
vocations: the discovery and knowledge of civilizations and 
peoples by means of creating always new artistic, economic, 
technical and scientific relationships. 
Therefore, it is with deep feeling of communion that LG.M.L 
has witnessed the happy and unhappy events which concern its 
For this reason, “the Geographic Institute" has shown solidarity 
towards Florence for the destructive foul deed which happened 
on the night of May, 27 1993 in Via Georgofili. 
Through sophisticated electronic instruments, the technicians 
of the LG.M.I.-Photogrammetric Department, with generous 
and passionate dedication, have prepared an original 
documentation of digital images which, according to graphic 
models which have been photogrammetrically digitized and 
interactively elaborated, represent the destruction caused by 
that terrible attack. 
LG.M.L's technicians have confirmed their professional 
quality of "excellence" by providing a civil answer to the 
barbaric action which has wounded not only the Florentines, 
but all the people of the world. 
L.G.M.I. surveyed the Pulci tower and its surrounding area in 
order to document the material consequences of the attack on 
May, 27 1993 in Via Georgofili. 
The explosion on that night, which killed five innocent lives, 
severely hit Florence's cultural patrimony: the Uffizi gallery's 
building structures and the precious exposed work of arts were 
heavily damaged; Saint Stephen's Church on the bridge was 
heavily hit at its apse; the Pulci tower, at the centre of the 
Georgofili Academy, was almost totally destroyed together 
with the innumerable books inside, numbering more than 
40,000 volumes which were of enormous historical and 
scientific value and were mostly unique in Italy. 
The technicians of LG.M.L's-Photogrammetric Department 
have provided evidence of the consequences of the barbaric 
action, which hit the heart of town, by preparing an original 
technical documentation to serve as a memorial in the future. 
The “Georgofili” Academy, a symbol of Italian agricultural 
culture, is more than 200 years old. 
It was founded in Florence in 1753 by Ubaldo Montelatici, a 
devout Christain Lateran, in order to promote better 
exploitation of the land in Tuscany. 
Since 1865-1870, when Florence was the Italian Capital, the 
Georgofili Academy (also known as “friends of agriculture 
academy") increased its sphere of action from regional to 
national areas, becoming the first Italian agronomical centre. 
Since those years, its interests extended from the field of 
cultivating techniques to that of agrarian and economical 
politcs, from applied natural sciences to social problems, 
conforming its goals through time. 
Among the innumerable initiatives that the Academy has 
promoted in nearly two and half centuries, the followings 
merit to be mentioned: 
-research of more rational techniques for 
agricultural land; 
-experimental cultivation of new vegetable species; 
-intensive introduction of agricultural mechanization; 
-the realization of hydraulic drainage projects in the Maremma 
and Chiana valleys; 
-repeated commitment to guarantying more reasonable land- 
taxes, suppressing duties and demanding free trade; 
-the foundation of agronomical schools at scientific, technical 
and vocational level; 
-the stipulation of conventions with both the private and public 
sector in order to promote activities geared to the instruction of 
specialized personnel in the agrarian field, with particular 
reference to developing nations; : 
-the promotion of research and studies in order to provide new 
incentive to hilly land agriculture and to improve Italian forest 
In more recent years, the Academy has updated its research 
instruments to meet current requirements: in fact, since 1984, 
it has been an acknowledged institute which specializes in 
applying the most recent technologies to agriculture, such as 
agricultural production forecast, cultivation optimization, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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