Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

with a least-squares matching. Robust statistical methods 
and the use of multi-image matching methods guarantee 
that only precise and reliable nodes will be used for the 
estimation of the orientation parameter. After the determi- 
nation of the three-dimensional coordinates of all matched 
nodes (see next chapter) edges have to be merged. 
During this process the previously extracted edges will be 
merged with the three-dimensional node points. Besides, 
the merging algorithm has to connect edges, which lost 
their nodes because of errors in the matching process or 
because of less accuracy. The result is a 3D-model of the 
microstructure. Fig. 4 shows the described processing 
Image Data 
Feature Extraction 
Edges Points 
Feature Matching 
| 3D-Point-Determination | 
> Feature Merging 
Figure 4: Processing 3D-Models 
3.4 3D-Point-Determination and DEM-Estimation 
The next step is the determination of the 3D point co- 
ordinates. If there exists only a small number of points it is 
advantageous to determine this points within the block 
adjustment, because of the highest accuracy of this 
method. The estimation of a large number of points, for 
instance required to reconstruct a whole surface, is per- 
formed as a spatial intersection on the basis of the 
parallel imaging equations (4), (5) using orientation para- 
meters from the parallel-block adjustment. Additionally it 
is possible to use the known distortion parameters, which 
are known from a previous calibration of the used SEM. 
By applying robust statistical methods, it is possible to 
eliminate gross errors from the image matching process. 
The 3D-Point-Determination takes place in two steps. The 
first step is the evaluation of approximate values with 
participation of all used images: 
x = xp + ECM Puy. (6) 
x y 
box by 
ys yo 8E, Pa Y (7) 
X y 
eyes Das Xi A Dao yi 
mx my 
biu Do elements of the inverse rotation matrix 
After the evaluation of approximate values the point co- 
ordinates will be estimated through spatial intersections. 
This estimation uses least-squares methods under appli- 
cation of all available images to achieve a high accuracy 
and to detect gross errors. 
In case of the reconstruction of a nearly continuous sur- 
face with a large number of object points it is useful to 
generate a regular grid of height points. For that purpose 
a commercial DEM-Software is used (DEM = Digital Ele- 
vation Model, in microsciences also called Digital Surface 
Model = DSM). This DEM-Software provides standard 
methods for the derivation of a regular digital elevation 
grid from three-dimensional point clusters. It also enables 
the derivation of further products, like profiles, perspective 
views or shading maps. For further details, see Ebner et 
al. (1980). 
Figure 5: Three-Dimensional Point Cluster of a 
Microprobe (Dimensions in um) 
Figure 6: Digital Surface Model of the Microprobe 
A common problem are incorrectly estimated point co- 
ordinates, which are represented in DEM as peaks. The 
reason for that failures are mostly incorrect matching 
results, because of the texture, which is not suitable for 
every grid point. There are several methods to remove 
these failures: First we define a threshold value for the 
correlation coefficient. The next step is a statistical control 
of the three-dimensional point determination with Data 
Snooping and a threshold for the mean error of the 
coordinates. The last step is the definition of a working 
area, especially in the z-axis. Due to this restrictions 
failures in the DEM can nearly completely removed from 
the original data. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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