Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

of an isotropic object represents the timely averaged two 
dimensional location (Z) 4,, thus: 
Te = (y At ) (5) 
where Z. is calculated from the sum of all n segmented pixels 
of a streak: 
25 vig(zi yi) 2, yig(i yi) 
Omm $1 
em ET a à n : (6) 
2 g(vi yi) 2, 9(vi y) 
Now the knowledge of the location of the same particle in 
the previous frame (at the time t — 1) enables the first-order 
approximation the velocity field ü(t): 
ü(t) = Rn e (7) 
Repeating the described algorithm will automatically track 
all encountered seeding particles from one frame to the next. 
The segmentation and tracking algorithms have been imple- 
mented on an 1860 board to achieve maximum performance. 
Typical evaluation time of one image including digitization, 
segmentation and tracking is 10s. Long image sequences 
(200-1000) images can therefore be processed. Individual 
particles can be tracked up to a concentration of 1000 parti- 
pic  u 
EUN ri P 2 
noua. gout a a LI 
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 
velocity [cm/s] 
2.0 13.0 24.0 
Figure 7: Trajectories of tracer particles measured by the PTV- 
algorithm. Only a small fraction (less than 1 %) of all trajectories 
plotted. The velocities are encoded as intensity. 
Measurements of the spatial variations of the water surface 
slope at Heidelbergs wind/wave facility performed using a 
Color Imaging Slope Gauge (CISG). 
towards camera 
Water surface 
Fresnel lens 
i Color Illumination 
Figure 8: Rays refracted under the same angle (same surface 
slope) are focused on one point of the screen, independent of the 
position on the surface and the water height. The slope of the 
waves is imaged. 
Figure 8 shows the schematic setup of the imaging slope 
gauge which was first proposed by [Jähne et al., 94] using 
a black and white CCD camera. A CCD camera is observ- 
ing the water surface from far above. Therefore all the rays 
that enter the camera are nearly vertical i. e. perpendicular 
to a flat water surface. A single light emitting point on the 
screen at the bottom of the system is in the rear focal plane 
of a Fresnel lens. Therefore all rays emitted are parallel in 
the water. This spot can be seen on an image pixel, if the 
refraction for the corresponding point at the surface leads to 
a vertical beam in the air. So each pixel of the CCD sees 
a certain point of the screen, depending on the slope of the 
corresponding imaged surface element. With an intensity or 
color pattern on the screen, the slope of the imaged water 
surface is encoded in gray value or color information respec- 
The relation between surface slope s = tan(a) at a certain 
point and the color imaged in the related pixel is independent 
e the location at the surface and 
e the height of the surface 
Rays crossing different locations on the surface ( or at 
different heights) with the same slope have the same angle 
of refraction and are therefore focused on the same screen 
point, imaging the same color (see fig. 8). Analyzing the 
color information in the digitized image, for each pixel the 
slope of the corresponding location on the water surface can 
be computed. One of to major advantages using this color 
technique instead of the black and white one previously used 
is that both slope components (streamwise and spanwise) 
are measured simultaneously. 
3.1 Energy of Capillary Waves 
Of especial importance for the process of air/sea interaction 
is the determination of the mean energy of a wave. According 
to [Phillips, 80] the energy E. of a capillary wave with slope 
8 is given by: 
ag - 
E. — a le I, (8) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
S Transferfunktion 
Figure 9: Im: 
Hilbert filter (: 
2H and 3H (s 
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(see [Jáhne, € 
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