Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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and robust 
because the program without any mistakes and errors 
recognises a control point in the right image that matches with 
the control point in the left image. The processing is precise 
because the program measures the coordinates of the control 
points with sub-pixel accuracy. In addition, by using the 
intersection method the coordinates of the control points in the 
object system are measured with accuracy less than 1 mm. The 
RMS error of the computing coordinates on the images is sub- 
pixel. Table 3 shows the differences between the measured and 
computed control points in the left and right images. 
I(GOTO) — sl 
6 (-2.1E-06) 
C14 (-581E-05) -1.50E-06 0 
Table 3: The differences between the measured and computed 
coordinates of control points for both the left and the right 
images. The unit is pixel. 
Once the processing of the camera position and the stereo 
matching are completed, the program continue to track the 
dynamic object. The object is considered a rigid body. 
According to Hunt (1987), a rigid body does not change its 
shape or its size; it does not stretch, compress, twist, bend, or 
deform. The object in this experiment is a plastic bottle with a 
waist. The waist depth is about 2 cm. Figure 3 shows the object 
in the test field. 
Figure 3: Illustration of the object in the test field. 
The strategy of Homainejad and Shortis (1995c) is used in this 
experiment. A very important issue for the program is to define 
a point upon the object that is recognisable in both the left and 
the right images. The colour of the object that is used in this 
experiment is white and light grey and is very similar to the 
background colour. The program for recognising a common 
point in the two images should apply a sharpness mask to the 
images and this processing increases the time delay. For 
extracting the pattern from the right image that matches the 
pattern in the left image, an empirical threshold is used by the 
program. The program defines a weight based on the histogram 
of a common area in the left and the right images. According to 
the weight and the area that already is extracted from the left 
image, the area of interest in the right image is recognised and 
extracted. Figure 4 demonstrates two areas of interest in the left 
image and its matched area in the right image. The processing is 
very precise and reliable; however, recognising the area of 
interest is very difficult. The ability of the program for 
recognising different patterns is tested by selecting different 
points in the waist and other area of the object. Program 
recognises and extracts two different points in the waist area 
and other area upon the bottle. Table 4 presents the coordinates 
of the two points in the waist and a pattern upper than waist 
area. These points are in a very difficult areas that even an 
expert operator can not simply extract and recognise those 
points. But the weight enables the program to recognise and 
extract even that difficult points without applying any mask and 
human supervision. The weight is not constant for a sequences 
stereo images because lighting is not constant for all stereo 
images. In other words, each stereo image has a weight. Table 5 
demonstrates the weights for three stereo images. When the 
program defines a weight for each stereo image, the time delay 
is increased for each stereo image by 30 ms. The time delay for 
extracting a common area from a stereo image is between 30 ms 
to 60 ms. This delay of time could be reduced if the weight is 
constant for all stereo images. When considering table 5, the 
point in the waist area has 10.6 mm difference in depth with the 
other point. 
The waistarea 6.128 3.968 4.576 
The second area 6.123 3.972 4.566 
Table 4: The coordinates of two points upon the object. 
CL ki Sh EME 
weight 1.2 o 1.33 
Table 5: A list of three weights for three stereo images. 
The first The first 
and and 
the second the second 
ponts points 
Figure 4: The left and the right images of a stereo image with 
areas of interest for matching. 
This paper presents a method for tracking of a dynamic object 
when the stereo vision is relocated. The method is reliable, 
robust and precise. A program in C language is developed for 
automatic stereo matching and positioning. In addition, 
program can automatically define and track a dynamic object. 
The lighting is the main issue in the processing, but the applied 
weight reduces significantly the lighting issue. The time delay 
for each processing is, at best, in the order of 30 ms. The 
majority of time delay is related to the image registration in an 
array. It seems that a special image library is necessary for 
digital photogrammetry that it reduces the time delay. The 
image library should satisfy the application of real time 
processing for digital photogrammetry. The TIFF library is very 
reliable and trustable. Table 6 presents the time delay for 
different processes. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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