Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

__ Retrieval image into the array Positioning and sterco matching BI 
Using C library 1.55. 
racking without considering the weight 30 ms. 
Only positioning for one camera 10 ms. 
- All of processes for two cameras 30 ms. tracking with considering the weight 60 ms. 
Table 6: Time delays for different processes. 
Further development of the program will enable the position of 
the visual system without the need to apply the constraints used 
in this experiment. The templates are very important for 
automatic stereo matching and positioning. The templates 
enable the program to carry out the positioning, the stereo 
matching and tracking precisely. The weighting for a stereo KEY WORD 
image improves automatic pattern recognition; and it is 
successfully tested for several stereo images. The outputs are | 
very reliable, robust and precise. ABSTRACT 
For many ye 
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