2.1 Hard- and Software
The system consists of two PULNiX TM765 E black/white
CCD cameras that are equipped with 16 mm lenses. The
cameras are connected to a standard low cost video
capture board miroVIDEO D1, that allows image
acquisition from two different signal sources sequentially
in video rate. Therefore there is no need for an expensive
frame grabber that allows | image acquisition
simultaneously. Both cameras are equipped with a
special illumination device, that consists of a ring of red
LEDs. It is used to illuminate both the interior of the
mouth and retrotargets fixed on a special mirror that is
necessary to make image acquisition possible. For a
detailed description of the mirror see chapter 4.
The video capture board is mounted in a standard PC
that is equipped with a PENTIUM™ 75 MHz CPU. All
software developed is written in standard C under
Microsoft Windows™.
2.2 Theoretical Concept
Derivation of 3D position and orientation changes of
every single tooth using a digital photogrammetric close
range system needs a special technique. Many
constraints originating in the nature of the problem make
it very difficult to find an appropriate way to derive
deformation parameters.
As described above the measurement system consists of
two cameras and a video capture board that allows more
less simultaneous image acquisition. The system has to
be calibrated to be used for measurement purposes (see
chapter 3.5). To make image acquisition possible a
special mirror has been developed that is placed between
upper and lower jaw. The mirror shows 11 retroreflective
targets that are used for relative and absolute camera
orientation. On the other hand no targets can and may be
fixed on the teeth. To derive 3D deformation parameters
three well defined points on every tooth are necessary.
They may not be destroyed during an orthodontic
treatment that lasts for several month. Obviously the use
of artificial target points on the teeth's surface is not
possible. Therefore deformation parameters are derived
by 3D DSM-matching. In every time period of the
orthodontic treatment a complete DSM (Digital Surface
Model) of every tooth is processed. The deformation
parameters can be derived by 3D matching of the DSM
of the same tooth in different time periods. DSMs are
derived from a stereo pair only by the use of the natural
structure of the teeth surface. Image acquisition and
proper illumination in the very close range of the human
mouth is difficult enough. The use of structured light
methods might lead to more accurate results but on the
other hand it might introduce additional problems during
image acquisition.
Digital close range systems have to be analysed and
calibrated before they can be used for measurement
purposes. For the user, who is usually not an expert in
photogrammetry, it is very important to know how long
the warm up effect of the system lasts. The
photogrammtrist is much more interested in the
performance analysis of the system including noise,
repeatability and especially system calibration.
3.1 Repeatability
For this investigation as well as for the analysis of warm
up effects images from a small testfield of 150 x 150 mm
size showing 49 black targets on white background were
taken. For repeatability analysis a set of five images was
taken in video rate. The image coordinates were
measured using LSTM. The averaged coordinate set of
all five images was used as reference. No systematic
trend was excluded. The average RMS values for the
coordinate differences in x and y direction are 0.018 pixel
and 0.019 pixel respectively. This corresponds to 1/55th
of a pixel.
In a second test six images were taken sequentially every
10 minutes. Again an averaged image coordinate set was
used as reference but systematic trends were excluded.
In average the RMS values for the coordinate differences
in x and y direction are 0.025 pixel and 0.024 pixel
respectively. Taking into consideration that the frame
grabber used is a low cost product for approximately 300
US$, a repeatability of 1/40th of a pixel over on hour is
pretty good.
Version | Trendx | Trendy | RMSx | RMSy
[Pixel] [Pixel] [Pixel] [Pixel]
5 frames 0.018 0.019
1 hour | 0.024 0.018 0.025 0.024
Table 1: Results of repeatability analysis
3.2 Warm Up Effect of Camera
To achieve best results it is very important to know how
long the warm up effect of an image acquisition system
or any other electronic device lasts. The investigation is
done in two steps: analysis of the camera and analysis of
the frame grabber. To investigate the camera the frame
grabber was turned on several hours before the test.
After the camera was turned on 10 images were taken
within 2 hours. The last image is used as reference,
systematic trends are excluded. Figure 2 shows, that the
warm up effect is not over after 2 hours. The RMS values
are 1/30th of a pixel compared to 1/40 th of a pixel when
the system is completely warmed up.
= 0
025 —@— trend x [pixel]
—B-— trend y [pixel]
08 —A— RMS x [pixel]
—>— RMS y [pixel]
0,75 ‘
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
time [seconds]
Figure 2: Warm up effect of camera
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996
3.3 Warm U
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hours. The
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the frame c
RMS value
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3.4 Noise A
To analyse !
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suprisingly c
3.5 System
The system
150 x 150 m
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estimation |
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