5.1 DSM Preprocessing
During preprocessing the shape of every single tooth is
determined. This is done semiautomatically. In a first
step the center of every tooth is pointed manually in one
image. In this step additional data (tooth number, ..) is
set. Size and shape of the tooth is determined in a
second step automatically. The gradient of the image is
calculated in radial direction from the center pointed
manually. If the gradient is larger than a certain
threshold, if the direction of the gradient is rectangular to
the radial direction within a certain range of tolerance and
if the greyvalue of the pixel is smaller than a certain
threshold the analysed pixel is classified as a point that
belongs to the border of the tooth. All threshold values
used are defined automatically by analysis of the
greyvalues of the teeth and the gums. The shape of the
tooth derived by this method is checked for gross errors
and smoothed. In a final step the shape is approximated
by an ellipse. All pixels inside the ellipse are classified as
the image points that belong to one single tooth.
Figure 8: Shape of teeth extracted automatically
5.2 DSM Generation
Automatic DSM generation is done by geometric
constrained template matching (Gruen, Baltsavias 1988)
and (Baltsavias 1992). To apply this algorithm images
must be oriented. This is done by measuring the control
points on the mirror in both images. After orientation and
preprocessing a DSM for every single tooth is measured
consisting of up to 900 surface points for a molar tooth.
As usual for matching algorithms three problems appear:
firstly the choice of a proper template size, secondly the
derivation of approximations for the geometric
parameters of the matching algorithms and finally the
choice of a proper iteration criterion. The template size
depends on the quality of the images. Molar teeth show
more structure than front teeth and may therefore be
matched with smaller templates (~15x15 pixels). Front
teeth show, due to their smoothness, lower signals and
have to be matched with larger templates of
approximately 21x21 pixel size. (See results of tests
reported in chapter 7)
The derivation of approximations can be done in two
different ways, that can be combined for one solution.
The relative configuration of mirror and teeth is similar
for any image acquisition. Assuming that all teeth are
placed in a plane the imaging ray of one image can be
intersected with this plane. This leads to 3D
approximation coordinates that can be projected into the
other image. This method can be combined with a
manual measurement of the parallaxes by applying the
preprocessing algorithm for shape and size extraction of
all teeth in both images. This method leads to the best
approximations for the DSM generation process.
DSM generation using only the natural structure of the
teeth is strongly influenced by reflections. Their bad
influence on the measurement has to be eliminated. This
is done by a very simple but also very efficient method.
The influence of control points that overlay parts of teeth
in the images can be eliminated too. Analysing the
average greyvalue of all teeth during DSM preprocessing
a threshold is defined. Any pixel that has a greyvalue
larger than the threshold is skipped and eliminated from
the estimation process. This method can be dangerous if
too many pixels are skipped. In this case the surface
point is eliminated from the DSM.
Finally a proper iteration criterion has to be chosen. This
is as problematic as for unconstrained LSTM. The main
problem is the oscillations of transformation parameters.
The problem is solved the same way as it is done for
LSTM (Beyer 1992). In addition non determinable
parameters have to be detected and eliminated from the
estimation process. Strongly correlating parameters have
to be excluded too.
Figure 9: Result of DSM generation
Figure 10: Result of postprocessing
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXX, Part B5. Vienna 1996
5.3 DSM Pc
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