Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

Time: May, 27 1993; hour 6 p. m. 
Geographical position: lat. N41°, long. E15° 
Image 13 - Terrestrial photogrammetric survey of the tower’s 
southern front 
Camera focal length: 64,28 mm. 
Exposure station’s inclination axis: 7°-and 15° 
Time: July, 10 1993; hour 10 a. m. 
Scale: 1/150 
Image 14 - Southern perspective view of the Pulci Tower and 
Old Palace 
Exposure station's simulated conditions: camera focal length 
35 mm., elevation 65 m. 
Simulation lighting: solar light 0.7, ambient light 0.3 
Time: May, 27 1993; hour 6 p. m. 
Geographical position: lat. N41?, long. E15? 
The work described in the previous pages involved several 
professional I.G.M.I.'s figures, such as photogrammetric photo- 
graphers, surveyors, stereoplotter and workstation opera- 
tors; such personnel were engaged to their utmost in order 
to face and solve the encountered technical problems. 
The demonstrated care and passion and the achieved result re- 
present, on the part of all the personnel at I.G.M.I., a civil re- 
sponse to the attack that mutilated a patrimony of Italian lear- 
Image 13 
The author gratefully acknowledges Paolo Beatini, Francesco 
Blasi, Alessandro Di Rita, Daniele Grazzi, Gino Mattesini, 
Massimo Pecci and Franco Tarducci for their skillfull technical 
contribution to the project’s realization. 
Image 12 Image 14 
1996 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part BS. Vienna 1996 

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