Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

Figure 7 Orthoimage and unwrapped image. 
The RMS differences of similarity transformation between 
mosaic and control points in XoYD object space were 2.8 
pixel (= 1.4 cm) in the direction of development and 0.9 
pixel (= 0.5 cm) in height. 
An approach has been formulated for mapping 3D objects 
of regular shape, to which it is possible to fit mathematical 
Chandler, J.H., Cooper, M.A.R., 1991. Determining cylin- 
drical parameters — an alternative approach. Land and 
Hydrographic Survey, September, pp. 5-7. 
Feltham, R.M., 1990. Determining cylindrical parameters. 
The Photogrammetric Record, 13(75), pp. 407-414. 
Fotiou, A., Livieratos, E., Lombardini, G., Paraschakis, l., 
1991. Dome representation using photogrametric data 
and best fitting techniques. ISPRS Journal of 
Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 46, pp. 231-326. 
Karras, G.E., Patias, P., Petsa, E., 1993. Experience with 
rectification of non-metric digital images when ground 
control is not available. Proc. XV International CIPA Sym- 
posium, Bucarest. [In print.] 
Patias, P., 1991. Architectural photogrammetry goes to 
the digital darkroom. XIV CIPA Symposium, Delphi, pp. 
Figure 8 Full mosaic of the digitally unwrapped images 
surfaces, from single images. In case the solid is 
developable, it has been demonstrated that besides 
vector data one may also perform digital 'unwrapping' and 
mosaicking of the original images. 
Here, the right circular cylinder has been investigated and 
tested in practice. It was seen that the accuracy of object 
space coordinates depends essentially on the angle 
under which projective rays meet the surface. Mapping 
limits for each image should be fixed accordingly; control 
has to be reliable and well distributed. 
The photogrammetric methods being currently applied in 
architecture range from the simplest to very sophisticated 
ones. It is believed, however, that the less demanding is a 
method in its use the more it may encourage users to re- 
cognize the merits of digital close-range photogrammetry. 
In this context, the presented method is being introduced 
into the digital rectification software DIRECT (reported by 
Patias, 1991, and subsequently extended by Karras et al., 
1993, to function also with vanishing points rather than 
control points). This contribution represents a further step 
towards fully exhausting the potential of monoscopic and 
monoplotting techniques for the purposes of architectural 
and archaeological documentation. 
Petsa, E., 1996. Line Photogrammetry. Ph.D. thesis, De - 
partment of Surveying, N.T.U.A. [In Greek.] 
Restle, M., Stephani, M., 1988. Derivation of surfaces of 
second order degree from photogrammetric measure- 
ments for orthophoto production. Proc. XI International 
CIPA Symposium, Sofia, pp. 194-205. 
Robson, S., Parbery, R.D., Fryer, J.G., 1992. Analysis of 
as-built cylindrical shapes. The Australian Journal of Geo- 
desy, Photogrammetry and Surveying, 56, pp. 91-109. 
Theodoropoulou, |., 1996. Digital Monoplotting of Cylindri- 
cal Objects. Diploma thesis, Dept. of Surveying, N.T.U.A. 
Vozikis, E., 1979. Die photogrammetrische Differenzial- 
umbildung gekrümmter Fláchen mit Beispielen aus der 
Architekturbildmessung. Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilun- 
gen, Nr. 17, Institut für Photogrammetrie, T. U. Wien. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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