Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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U. Wien. 
Dana Klimesova, Tomas Suk 
Institute of Information Theory and Automation, 
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 
Pod vodarenskou vézi 4, 182 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic 
Telephon: 42 2 6605 2247, 42 2 6605 2586 
Telefax: 42 2 6641 4903 
e-mail: klimes@utia.cas.cz 
Commission V, IWG VIIII - Image Sequence Analysis 
KEYWORDS: Forestry, Analysis, Transformation, Algorithm, Multitemporal 
The contribution deals with temporal context information in the field of temporal image data sets processing. We 
propose the special comparative transform which make possible to evaluate the objects dynamics along the temporal 
axis. We present examples of forest dynamics analysis using aerial data sets from the last about fifty years. 
Multisource and temporal analysis represents a very 
effective method how to gain information about the state, 
dynamics and future trends of observed landscape 
objects and phenomena. Together with the technology of 
geographical information systems it is a powerful tool to 
provide a new quality of information. We used time series 
of aerial photos to monitor the changes during fifty years 
aimed at forest devastation, prevention process 
evaluation and at the mapping of the range of mining 
activity in the selected territory 
2.1. Temporal layers creating and preprocessing 
Having in disposal temporal data sets from the observed 
territory we are able even visually recognize some 
significant changes but we are not able to quantify them 
and distinguish enough all changes and their dynamics. 
Usually we are dealing with data sets from different 
sources which differs in resolution and technology of 
scanning. In the case we have to use more than five 
temporal layers the problems usually occur because of 
control points selection. To cover the selected area it was 
necessary to consider 48 photos from 12 years. The first 
step we need to do was the geometric transformation of 
all images (digitized aerial data sets). The registration 
had to be done both inside one time layer and for all 
overlaying layers. Great changes of landscape in case of 
long period make impossible to use the same set of 
control points for corresponding temporal layers. This fact 
is more complicated when highly corrugated terrain is 
processed. The difficulties are simplified when suitable 
map layer is used as a reference image. We have to 
estimate the type and parameters of the mapping 
function. For the purposes of error estimation the 
translation, similarity, affine, projective, quadratic and 
surface spline transform have been applied with at least 
20 control and 12 test points for temporal layer. 
2.2 Error estimation 
Error estimation in the number of points with respect to 
control and test points was as follows: 
Type of transform control points test points 
translation 39,362 87,034 
similarity 4,544 4,669 
affine 3,835 3,486 
projective 3,909 3,643 
quadratic 2,476 2,646 
spline 0,000 1,925 
It means that the error less then 2 pixels was only yielded 
by the surface spline transform. 
iue 9 l 22 
u=a, +a,x+a,y+ ) ff ln r, 
v=b+bx+b,y+) 8 r nr 
2 2 2 2 
r, z(x-x,) +(y-y,;) 1212." H, 
n is the number of control points, 
(x, Yi) and (u, ,v,) are coordinates of control 
points in transformed and reference images respectively 
(x, y) and (u,v) are coordinates of transformed 
and reference image. 
The coefficients 
0,0450, D, 5, . 5, f, and g, 
iz12 .. 
we can obtain as solution of the systems of H+3 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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