Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

The method concept shown at the Fig.1 enables us 
to determine shift vector S belonging to an 
unmarked point on the glacier surface from 
measurements data obtained for simultaneous 
stereopair L1-R1 and different time stereopair L1- 
Methodological solution of the task includes two 
stages: a) detection of relative orientation elements 
for L1-R1 aerial photos in S1XYZ basic coordinate 
system and photogrammetric model construction; b) 
detection of exterior orientation elements for R2 
aerial photo in the same coordinate system and 
shift values calculation. 
Relative orientation is to be made on the basis of 
complanarity equations and following analytical 
conversion of the L1 and R1 aerial photos. Spatial 
X,Y,Z coordinates for all the points may be 
calculated by formulae: 
X XB ; y 2—3—; (1) 
/= 2 
€ 7X 
where B is the photography base; — x,;y, and 
X,';y, are converted coordinates of the points for 
L1 and R1 aerial photos accordingly; f - aerial 
camera focal length. 
At first B is considered as an approximate value 
which has to be defined more precisely during the 
model orientation process using control geodetic 
points or cartographic data. A version using a free 
model without geodetic control is also possible .At 
the present time GPS-techique permits us to 
determine the photography base value during flight 
and photography. 
Exterior orientation elements for the R2 aerial 
photogram may be calculated from resection using 
common stable points located out of the glacier 
area from the next equations: 
2 } 
-(f e NER 
ci fe Lie Ft SA Ne (gj 
Z +AZ Z * AZ 
f y 2 
M a m. m 
7 + AZ 7 + AZ EMG 
where a,o,x are angular and AX , AY , AZ are 
linear exterior orientation elements; 
X», y» are the points coordinates for R; aerial photo. 
Initially, conversion of the R2 aerial photo using 
angular orientation elements is done. Then p, and 
qs differences are calculated with the help of the 
point coordinates on L1 and R2 rectificated 
photograms. These differences are shift vector 
components in the photo scale. The vector S is to 
be determined by the formulae: 
p. =X, a bach ony X A 
s TdT a EAE 
beh y Ji 
ar te br a Aero AZ à 
n'eut NR NE e 
S = ps +45 - 
Values ps, qs for stable points have to be equal to 
zero in the frame of the accuracy limits. For 
moveable points these values show in the scale of 
the aerial photo shift of the point for period T 
between photography moments of L1 and R2 
photograms. Vector S is calculated in basic 
coordinate system. For easy use it has to be 
converted into oxy coordinate system on the L1 
photogram with the help of angle x obtained during 
the relative orientation process. Natural value of the 
vector may be calculated after allowing for the 
model scale. 
Value S determined by this technique is the 
projection of the movable point shift on the plane 
XY in the spatial coordinate system. It differs from 
tited surface shift on the value described by 
8S -S(1- cos9 + 7 sin 9), (4) 
where 9 - angle of glacier surface tilt; 
X4 - abscissa of the movable point on L1 photogram. 
When the angle of glacier surface tilt is less than 
15° this correction does not usually exceed 10% 
from S. When it is necessary it may be calculated 
after determination of tilt angle with the help of 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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Fig.2. | 
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