Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

jetry using 
and using 
nent without 
hotos with 
or has to be 
small time 
s. One-two 
optimal. To 
time of the 
| is a very 
icial velocity 
2. Vectors 
surement of 
sing SPOT 
ice velocity 
c. Internat. 
Fryer John G., Kniest Hendrik T., Donnely Brian E. 
1993. Affine or conformal? Fiducials or not? 
Austral. J. Geod. Photogramm. and Surv. Ne58. 23- 
Klaver Jakob, Walker A. Stewart. 1993. Leica DVP - 
the low cost digital photogrammetric workstation. 
Int. Symp. Oper. Remote Sens, Enschede, 19-23 
Apr.: Proc. Vol 6. Enschede, 199-204. 
Nobuhiko Mari, Shoichi Masyda, Shunji Myrai. 
1992. Development of a PC-based digital 
photogrammetric system. Int. Archiv. 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sens., Washington, 
D.C., Pt B2. Commiss. 2. [Washington (D.C.)], 
[1992]. 319-322. 
Fig.4.Schematic map of the Glacier Medvezhy part. Ice movement is drawn by strezhinels. Strrezhinels 
widht of the cross represents movement velocity in meter / day in drawn scale 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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