Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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This paper drew up a fireworks viewing area map that 
describes where fireworks can be seen well using 
photogrammetry on the basis of the above japanese 
cultural factors relating to fireworks. In this paper, the 
fireworks viewing area map was drawn up to the level 
of a thematic map from the geographical point of view, 
unlike a recreational illustration map. Information on 
the fireworks viewing area is useful information to 
establish the site for the festival, control traffic, guards, 
location to see fireworks for the host organization and 
On drawing up the maps, mosaic aerial photographs 
with a 360 degree visual field are taken from a height 
over the spot for fireworks by a kite balloon camera 
system. The area from where fireworks can be seen 
well is the same area taken by aerial photography. This 
method has many advantages: for example, it can 
survey without much assistance and can get plane 
information, furthermore the state of affairs is 
recorded in photographs so that the work of drawing up 
a map is easy to do. The paper draws up the fireworks 
viewing area map of Narashino city. 
2. Outline of Narashino City fireworks display 
Narashino city is a middle seaside town near Tokyo. 
The population is 150,000. Narashino city opens a 
fireworks display festival for the citizens of Narashino 
city, under the sponsorship of Narashino city 
government as a yearly event in summer. The place for 
the fireworks display festival is seaside reclaimed land 
in the city. Around the place, there are warehouses, 
offices, residential streets, parks, vacant lots, a public 
cemetery etc, and multi-storied buildings of companies 
and a university lie scattered around. 
In 1995,the fireworks display festival was opened on 
the 30 of June and so many citizens flocked to the place 
for the fireworks display festival. The faraway citizens 
were transported to the place by shuttle bus sent by the 
city office. The sum of displayed fireworks is 4,500, 
made up as follows: grand-scale fireworks 1,226, 
skyrockets 33, 
Fireworks display spot height is from about 100m to 
about 150m. Figure.1 shows the state of the place of 
Narashino city fireworks display festival. 
set piece of fireworks one, etc. 
3. Aerial Photograpy using a Kite Balloon 
3.1 Observation system 
This system was developed for the purpose of taking 
oblique aerial photographs from a height over the spot 
for fireworks by the authors. Figure.2 shows outline of 
this system. This system is composed of following 
- Balloon; 14m 2 helium gas 
+ String; 1,000 meter 
- Still camera; 35mm, wide angle, f = 28mm(Canon T70) 
- Monitor camera;Sony CCD camera 
: Radio control; Shutter, monitor and angle control 
—Horizontal 360 degree 
— Vertical --90 degree 
* Total payload;7,0kg 
Fig.1 Place of fireworks display festival 
Kite balloon 
spot Fireworks 
height display 
100m-—150m Monitor camera festival 
35mm still camera place 
control ^, Monitor 
Launching site [n] 
Fig. 2 System Outline 
3.2 Aerial Photograpy using a Kite Balloon 
We took oblique aerial photographs utilizing a kite 
balloon camera system using a 35 mm servo-controlled 
camera that was developed by the authors. The oblique 
aerial photographs were taken from a height over the 
spot for the fireworks display from 100 m,120m and150 
m high. Figure.3 is the photographing scene. Figure.4 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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