Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

2.2 UDPS Configuration 
The system consists of four components: data acquisition, data 
transmission, data recording and data control (figure 2). 
[Cala video camera] Data Transmition Data Recording 
SVS wie 2 
Figure 2. UDPS configuration 
2.2.1 Data Acquisition 
One color video camera and two color CCD digital cameras are 
mounted on the ROV, each with a housing cover. The video 
camera is used to navigate the ROV. The CCD cameras are 
used to capture the desired objects for measurements which are 
two Sony ultra-small interline CCD color cameras with an 
image size of 768 x 494 (picture elements). The sensing area is 
6.4mm x 4.8mm. The external synchronization frequency in the 
vertical direction is 59.94+0.0009Hz, and that in the horizontal 
direction is 15734.264+0.016Hz. Four electronic shutter 
speeds are available: 1/60s, 1/50s, 1/100s and 1/1000s. Focal 
lenses from 3.5mm to 12mm can be chosen. Each camera 1s 
housed and covered with a flat front cover lens for waterproof. 
An artificial illuminating source using two Halogen lamps 
(USHIO, Japan) is also provided. 
2.2.2 Data Transmission 
Currently, the tethered transmission mode is applied. The 
fiber-optic transmission will be a highly recommended option 
for the future use which supplies a maximum signal quality for 
real time transmission. The assessment of the degradation of 
signal quality during the transmission and the effect of signal 
compression remain as two important topics to be researched. 
2.2.3 Data Recording and Retrieving 
Two Sony CVD-100 computer controlled Hi-8 video decks are 
applied to record image sequences from the two CCD cameras, 
respectively. The exposure time of the two cameras 1s 
synchronized and the synchronized time-tags are 
simultaneously recorded. An image recording and retrieving 
system, called IOS2-EYE, is implemented. It has utilities 
especially designed for retrieving the large amount of 
underwater stereo image sequences, such as image selection 
for measuring a specific object. Individual digital image pairs 
can be grabbed during the survey in real-time and can also be 
converted from the analog images. 
2.2.4 Data Control 
This control component serves as a center unit. Two monitors 
are connected to the video camera and CCD cameras. The 
operator can control the ROV to capture the images of the 
desired objects, with the help of viewing the color images from 
the video camera. The ROV can be controlled manually by 
operating a control panel. 
In underwater photogrammetry, the propagation of the light ray 
from an object point to its image point is refracted at different 
media surfaces. Thus, the central perspective imaging 
geometry does not hold anymore. As shown in Figure 3, the 
systematic displacement of the ray on the image plane caused 
by the medium refraction is significant and not negligible. In 
the following, two models addressing the medium refraction 
problem are described. A medium refraction correction formula 
for our imaging system is derived. 
3.1 Reduced Central Perspective Model 
The objective of this model, called reduced central perspective 
model, is to compensate the refraction by corrections applied 
on the image plane so that photogrammetric principles using 
central perspective geometry can be used. Illustrated in Figure 
3, if the correction Ar is obtained (Ar —pp "), a pseudo central 
perspective light ray can then be determined. Based on the 
imaging system, the image correction for the medium refraction 
is derived. 
Let Ar=pp” and r=Cp. As shown in figure 3, we have 
Ar/r - PP"/P"N — (PP'«P'P"y P"N 
PP’ = p2p2’ = d (tan0;-tan 0, 
P’P” = H (tan0;-tan 63) (1) 
À TN Object poit P ir pS 
| 1 : v. 
H 7 
0 4 
3 = 
ny(water)-1.34 i j 
O. / js 
2 d P; É 
; = P 
02, 7I + 
n;(glass)-1.65 d ; 
; Cover lens 
O, / P 
n,(air)-1.00 8 
Exposure center 
Image plane 
Figure 3. Underwater photogrammetric model 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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