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2 ultimate aim is
1 vessel in which
magnetic field
plasma and the
al components of
roduced due to
1etic fields.
suspended within
shell is mounted
he plasma forms
cal shell and the
roidal field coils.
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with an internal
)m?, weighs 108
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ration to maintain
) million degrees
winding of the
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asma acts as the
mer. The toroidal
1] D-shaped coils.
re but within the
sloidal field coils
e plasma.
2.2 In-vessel Installation
A key requirement of in-vessel installations is usually
alignment. There are a number of reasons for this ranging from
the need to have components carefully aligned with respect to
the magnetic field to ensure uniform thermal loading, to
knowing where diagnostic sensors are to allow interpretation of
data which is often used to control plasma parameters. During
future shutdowns at JET, radiation levels due to neutron
activation will restrict durations of manned in-vessel access to
the point where work would no longer be possible. In fact, all
installation work is planned to be carried out remotely using
JET's remote articulated boom (figure 2).
Precision surveys will also have to be carried out remotely.
This has been the subject of research at JET for some time,
with many different systems being investigated, e.g. optical,
photogrammetry, laser scanning. Videogrammetry was used at
the end of the recently completed major shutdown to provide
an 'as-built' record of major in-vessel components and a datum
base for dimensional integration into the future. Suitability of
videogrammetry for use in remote handling shutdowns is
being assessed. Targetting of components is a major problem,
but at present a targetless form of videogrammetry is being
considered for collecting ‘as-built’ information to an accuracy
of +1-2mm, with laser scanning techniques for more accurate
local measurements, e.g. steps and gaps between tiles. The
techniques developed at JET over the last three years are
described along with steps to ensure that similar control will
be exercised in the future when installation work is carried out
Figure 2. JET's Remote Handling Articulated Boom being
used to install tiles inside the vacuum vessel.
JET's scientific programme for the future is largely based on a
series of Pumped Divertors with a campaign of experiments
planned to study control impurities in the plasma. The first or
MKI Divertor was installed in 1992, the MKII during 1995/96
With the fully remote installation of MKIIGB (Gasbox) planned
for 1997. The MKII Divertor concept is based on two major
components - a fully machined and very precise support
Structure on which different configurations of plasma facing
liles can be mounted. Future changes such as the MKIIGB
International Archives of Photogrammetry and
configuration will be implemented by changing only the tile
assemblies remotely.
3.1 The MKI Divertor Installation
In 1992 a major rebuild of the JET machine was carried out in
order to install the MKI Pumped Divertor. Due to the high
thermal loads envisaged during operation, accurate positioning
of the plasma facing components to the magnetic centre of the
machine was a major requirement. Typically alignment to
better than £2mm was required with steps between tiles on a
component being controlled to £0.25mm. In some cases a set
of components was required to be concentric while also lying
within a narrow band defined by the position of some other
components. Clearly, a measuring system accurate to better
than £0.5mm was required.
Prior to 1992 component surveys and alignment checks at JET
depended on some combination of conventional metrology
equipment and jigs, usually based on a precise survey ring. For
the installation of the MKI Divertor (Macklin, 1994) a
sophisticated survey ring system was designed and built. This
was used successfully for the installation of the lower vessel
components. However, it soon became apparent that to achieve
the required accuracy for the upper vessel components would
require a system so complex and cumbersome that it would not
be compatible with other installation tasks, therefore having a
serious adverse effect on the shutdown schedule which was
3.2 Computer Aided Theodolite Systems
Various alternative systems were investigated resulting in the
purchase of Leica’s ECDS3, an optical 3-D non-contact
measuring system now known at JET as the CAT (Computer
Aided Theodolite) system.
theodolites to measure the horizontal and vertical angles to a
network of targets and a calibrated scale bar. The resulting set
of simultaneous equations is solved using a mathematical
technique known as bundling.
| x.
| FE]
Lert RERO 770m Hate i [
| gE
| o
' o ;
15 :
I= In-vessel master
| targets
Laser zenith
2-way micrometer
Figure 3. Transferring ex-vessel refence to establish in-vessel
datum system.
3.3 In-vessel Datum System
Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996
ECDS3 uses two electronic