Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

5.1 Accuracy of the System 
We concluded that this system could measure the denture 
mobility within 0.3 mm errors, and the accuracy of this system 
meets requirements for the analyzing denture mobility. 
erior 5.2 Denture Movements 
During mastication the upper dentures inclined to the 
D 9f st molar mastication side and pitched up and moved forward. And the 
dentures tended to shift toward the same side of the direction 
of of the path of closure of the mandible. 
tral, teeth The lower dentures tended to roll toward the working side, 
p of to pitch ahead or to be out of the posterior part, and to rotate to 
. first molar working side . 
The mobility of upper dentures had a correlation to the 
mandibular movement regardless of working side, and the 
lower dentures had a correlation to the bolus on the occlusal 
The authors thank to Mr. Hideyuki Busujima and Mr. Masaru 
Nonomura, T.E.N Laboratory CO., LTD, Tokyo, Japan. 
tion of denture 
test foods. 
6 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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