Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

Archaeological Real-time Photogrammetric System 
using Digital Still Camera 
Commission V, Working Group 4 
KEY WORDS: Archaeology, CCD, Systems, Close-Range, Real-time 
ABSTRACT: Over 8.000 archaeological sites are excavated every year, before the various constractions in Japan. 
Archaeologists must draw the archaeological sketch maps about so many archaeological remains and they also need 
these maps in good time. Photogrrammetry using film type cameras need much time to make maps. Therefore, we 
developed new real-time system to make image maps in the archeological field using Digital Still Camera. 
But, Photogrammetry needs one/two weeks to make up Fig.2 
1. Introduction 
Archaeologists in Japan usualy used flat table method or 
grid sketch method in order to make the archaeological 
maps. If archaeologists like to measure over 10.000m?, 
these methods need so much times and workers. Then, in 
last 15 years, archaeologists have used the clese-range 
Photogrammetry in archaeological fields. 
the maps. Photogrammetry need wet-process to develop 
the films and plotting machines for stereo-matching. 
Therefore, we developed Digital Still Camera system 
instead of film cameras, and also developed Stereo 
Matching systems instead of plotting machines. Stereo 
Matching systems use only lap-top type personal 
computer, therefor, we can use in the archaeological 
fields or in the cars. 
Our syste 
í 3 
E | 
Hot Baloon | | 
1km 4 -6.000m | | | © 
| Air Ship | | 
| | | 
Radio Controlled 
| Model Helicopter | ; 
| -800m | Helicopter 
100m t 8 | -5.000m (A 
. | 
Kite | 
- | 
50m 200m [ 
Base Bar | 
10m ! =e 1.2" | 
ond Crane Rope-Way Well-Bucket bi — 
0-15 Under Water — Taking i 
0-40m =Tom 0-8m — zZ ; 
Az carry up 
Fig.1 Platforms for Archaeological Photogrammetry the large 
model h 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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