Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

'er and less 
5. Also, one 
ve is sharper 
the minimum 
jreater preci- 
as been suc- 
ones under a 
lakahara and 
—— 6 
n of Images 
1 equation (2) 
ral, however, 
ectly aligned, 
o rate image 
..n} which are 
AD, (s,t, C) has 
Jo (091 (4) 
ordinates (s,t) 
5,t) (Figure 4). 
87, Kimura et 
ugeras, 1992) 
rence with 
are Imple- 
machine con- 
he first step IS 
the Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) filtering of the input 
images. This filtering enhances the image features and 
removes the effect of intensity variations among images 
due to difference of camera gains, ambient light, etc. The 
second step is the computation of SAD and SSAD with 
geometric rectification and correction to produce the SSAD 
function. The third and final step is the identification and 
localization of the minimum of the SSAD function to deter- 
mine the inverse depth. Uncertainty is evaluated by ana- 
lyzing the curvature of the SSAD function at the minimum. 
The total amount of computation per second required for 
the SSAD calculation is estimated as: 
N^xW^xDx(C-1) xPxF (5) 
where N? is the image size, W? the window size, D the dis- 
parity range, C the number of cameras, P the number of 
operations per one SD calculation and F the number of 
frames per second. We have estimated p as 14 operations 
including image sampling in the subpixel precision and cal- 
culation of difference. If we set N 2 256, W 2 11, D- 30, C 
= 6, and F = 30, then the total computation would be 465 
giga-operations. However, the most important aspect of 
the multi-baseline stereo algorithm is that it takes advan- 
tage of the redundancy contained in multi-stereo pairs. As 
a result it is a straightforward algorithm which is appropri- 
ate for hardware implementation. 
I Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) E 
SAD and SSAD Computation 
with Geometric Correction and Rectification 
- = 
| Minimum Detection 4 
Disparity Map 
Figure 5: Outline of stereo method 
Figure 6 illustrates the architecture of the system. It con- 
sists of five subsystems: 1) multi-camera stereo head 
(five-eye camera head); 2) multi-image frame grabber; 3) 
Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) filters; 4) image rectification" 
and parallel computation of SSAD; and 5) subpixel local- 
ization of the minimum of the SSAD in the C40 DSP array. 
The machine was built with off-the-shelf components (See 
Figure 1). The main devices used in the machine include 
PLDs, high-speed ROMs, RAMS, pipeline registers, com- 
mercially available convolvers, digitizers and ALUs. All of 
the system was designed and built at CMU except for the 
video cameras, the C40 DSP array and the real-time pro- 
cessor board. 
' The SSAD subsystem stores the calibration function lo- ly 
and Jy-J, of equation (4) in RAM in the form of tables. 
Using these tables, the SSAD hardware calculates abso- 
lute differences in the rectified coordinates (see Figure 4). 
The tables are obtained at the time of calibration and are 
loaded when the machine starts up. 
These subsystems are connected to a VME Bus and con- 
trolled by a VxWorks real-time processor. System soft- 
ware, running on a Sun workstation, enables users to 
exploit the machine's capabilities through a graphical inter- 
face (Figure 7). 
d = Ele EERE 
Fram Multiple Images with 
Different Baselines 
LOG Y v x 
T d 3 # 
Data icc MES | #2| #31099 | «e| v, ; 
Camera Head 
Y yy SY 99 Ba 
+» LOGtoSAD I/F | LOG Outputs 
Y Y Y Y 
SSAD Computation — Curve of SSAD 
Absolute Difference SSAD 
| SAD and SSAD | 
| Minimum Finder td 
VME Bus 
«——| C40 VF & Graphics Function. | 
Subpixel Disparity 
| Detection 
7} #8 
Depth map Sy 
Depth M 
C40 Communication Port J ep ap 
VxWorks Ethernet Sun 
Real-time : 
Processor ” Workstation 
Figure 6: Architecture of stereo machine 
Figure 7: Graphical interface window of the system 
Besides robotic applications, such as autonomous vehi- 
cles, there are many other applications for the stereo 
machine. The capability of producing a dense 3D repre- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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