Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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achieve. Therefore it is very important to know how accurate 
measurements can be made and how the measurement accuracy 
can be improved. The selection of the measuring points is also 
important. Selected points should represent the object and its 
interesting properties. The accuracy of unknown parameters 
can be calculated by simulation. 
In the design of photogrammetric measurement or network you 
have to consider several things that effect to the measurements. 
For example, Fraser (1989) has listed following questions to be 
« How many camera stations are needed? 
e What imaging geometry is selected? 
e What scale is optimum? 
e How many plots per station are needed? 
e What is adequate depth of field? 
e What targets are in which photographs? 
e Camera self-calibration? 
There are many more questions available. Many answers 
depend on each other - so the designing of the measurement is 
not a simple task. Not only an object to be measured does 
effect to the design. In design you have to take into account the 
measurement environment, too. The use of CAD-system is a 
great help if you have some kind of CAD-models about the 
object and the environment available. 
In the design of the measurement, different requirements have 
to be full-filled despite the restrictions. The goal of the 
measurement design is to achieve accurate and reliable results 
with an economical way. Because of the opposite requirements, 
the simulation of measurement is the best way to inspect that 
all design requirements are achieved. It is also a good way to 
see how the changes of different parameters (for example, 
sensor locations, sensor parameters, etc.) effect on the 
measurement results. 
When planning a photogrammetric measurement, the cameras 
should be placed so that each point is seen at least from two 
cameras. The reliability of the measurement increases when 
the number of image rays increases. In special applications the 
convergent imagery is usually used instead of normal situation 
(stereo). Mason (1994) has given the following basic 
constraints, which should be satisfied in camera placement: 
* image scale constraint 
* resolution constraint 
* workspace constraint 
* depth-of-field constraint 
* incidence angle constraint 
* number and distribution of image points constraint 
* illumination constraint 
There exists also a number of objectives that should be 
considered in camera station placement (Mason, 1994). 
* contribution to intersection angles 
* field of view 
* visibility 
The influence of these constraints and objectives to camera 
station placement can be visualized geometrically. An example 
of this in 2D is given by Mason (1994). Because measurements 
are done in 3D the influence of these constraints and objectives 
have to be considered in 3D. This is one reason, why it is so 
Important to design the measurements three-dimensionally. 
2.2. The use of 3D-models in measurement design 
The purpose of the measurements can be either to produce a 
model of an object or to compare how well the real object 
meets the design. The reverse-engineering tasks produce 
models. In the quality control and deformation measurements 
the real object is compared to an available model. In later cases 
the model can either be a design or it can be a model based on 
the previous measurements. In most cases, three-dimensional 
CAD-models are used. 
The planning of measurements have traditionally been done 
based on two-dimensional maps or drawings. In addition, the 
planning has been done by experts, who in most cases have a 
long experience of similar measurements. The measurement 
planning of complicated 3D-objects can be difficult using 2D- 
documents, like maps and drawings. The sensor placement 
demands several, often conflicting, constraints and objectives 
to be taken into account, which is done easier in three- 
dimensional planning. The visibility of measuring points and 
the finding of common points for separate camera groups can 
be done in CAD-environment using three-dimensional models. 
The accuracy of the models available for the measurement 
planning can vary. The more exact model of the object and the 
workspace is available, the more exact the design of 
measurement model and its simulation are going to be. The 
most exact 3D-models are available in quality control and 
deformation measurements. For example, the design of 
deformation measurements using 3D-model can assure that the 
most relevant information to detect the deformation is going to 
be measured. The camera placement can be greatly assisted by 
the use of 3D-models. Already a rough 3D-model can be very 
useful, when the camera placement around an object (needing 
several camera groups) has to be designed. If no other model is 
available, the model of measurement environment can be done 
from building drawing by extruding. When the constraints in 
working space can be taken into account from the beginning of 
camera placement design, there is no need to change camera 
placement later due to difference in reality and optimal 
planning (done in 2D without knowledge about these 
In AutoCAD, there are different ways to model three- 
dimensional objects. It can be done by using wireframe, 
surface, or solid modeling. The MMD tool uses solid models of 
the object. The measurement environment can be modeled 
using wireframe or surface modeling. 
The measurement model design tool (MMD) uses three- 
dimensional CAD-models of the object and measuring 
environment. The user of the tool can define the camera 
placements and orientations in AutoCAD. The user also selects 
the camera parameters. If the real calibration data of the 
camera is available, it can be used in simulation. The tool 
visualizes the part of the object seen by each camera. The 
definition of the measuring points is interactive. The tool 
checks the visibility of the points for each camera. The point 
has to be seen from at least two cameras. Because the visibility 
checks are made three-dimensionally, possible occlusion points 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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