Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

M UM where (1) 
C, 2-6, P 
l is the vector of observations, v is the vector of residuals, x is 
the vector of unknown parametrs, A is the design matrix, C, is 
the covariance matrix of observations, and P is the weight 
matrix. The observations are assumed to be normally 
distributed random variables. 
If design matrix A is of full rank, the least-square estimate for 
x is: 
£=(A"PA) A"PI (2) 
and the corresponding covariance matrix is: 
C soi[A PA)" i0. (3) 
It is possible to evaluate the measurement accuracy before 
actual measurements. The design matrix A is totally defined by 
the geometry of the network and by the information of the 
observations between the points. The real observations do not 
effect to the structure of the design matrix A. The weight 
matrix P is made based on the accuracies of the observations. 
In photogrammetry, the weight matrix is usually P-o "I. 
(Fraser,1989). That means that image observations are equally 
weighted. The cofactor matrix Q., (in equation 3) is the 
function of the network geometry and the observation accuracy 
only. All information about the precision of unknown 
parameters is therefore included in the variance-covariance 
matrix C, (3), which is get by multiplying the cofactor matrix 
Q. by the variance of the unit weight. 
In this way, the precision of the network can be evaluated 
before the actual measurements. To evaluate the precision of 
the points in network, only their approximate values has to be 
known. These approximation values are needed for the 
linearization of the condition equations. 
At first the simulated image coordinates are calculated from 
the measurement model information (camera parameters, 
camera calibration data, measuring points coordinates). After 
that the cofactor matrix and the variance-covariance-matrix are 
created. Various precision measures can be calculated from the 
variance-covariance matrix of the unknown parameters. These 
are, for example, the variances of intersected 3D-coordinates, 
error ellipses, and error ellipsoids. These values are visualized 
in 3D object space. The shape of the error figures depends on 
the network structure (geometry). The variance of the unit 
weight is only a scaler. The variance of the unit weight could 
be improved, for example, by taking multiple exposures. The 
selection of a priori o^ can based on earlier measurements or 
4.1 Limiting error propagation 
So far, the calculation of precision values is based on limiting 
error propagation (Brown, 1980; Fraser, 1989). Only the 
precision of the image coordinate measurement is taken into 
account in calculating accuracy estimates for the XYZ 
coordinates. The assumption is made, that projective and 
additional parameters are precisely known. This means that 
possible errors of the calibration are not taken into account. 
The simulation model could be expanded so, that the effect of 
these is also taken into account when calculating precision 
values. In this case 
Using limiting error propagation, the variance-covariance- 
matrix of unknown object coordinates can be obtained as a 
simple inverse of a 3 x 3 matrix (Fraser, 1989): 
OC) =(A] PA,) (4) 
The error propagation could be expanded to total error 
propagation, when also the effect of calibration errors are taken 
into account. 
4.2. The variances of the unknown parameters 
The variances of unknown object coordinates are get from the 
diagonal elements of the variance-covariance matrix C, . The 
standards errors of the unknown parameters are square roots of 
these diagonal elements. In this way the standard errors (sX, 
sY, and sZ) for unknown object coordinates are calculated. 
However, the errors are not always biggest in the direction of 
coordinate axes. The example of visualization of mean errors 
was already shown in figure 3. 
Instead of the separate mean errors for X, Y, and Z, one 
precision measure can be used. One possible measure is the 
mean radial spherical error (MRSE) (Mikhail, 1976, p. 34). In 
three-dimensional case this measure is visualized with a 
sphere, which radius is equal to the MRSE value. It gives an 
approximation about the precision of the point. An example of 
the visualization of MRSE values was given in figure 4. More 
exact way to express the precision of the point is to use error 
4.3. The error ellipses and the error ellipsoids 
The variance-covariance matrix includes the variances and the 
covariances of the unknown parameters. The error ellipses and 
the error ellipsoids are defined by calculating the eigenvalues 
and eigenvectors from the variance-covariance matrix or its 
submatrix. The probability of the point to lie inside the 
standard error ellipse (k=1) is 0.394. In case of the standard 
error ellipsoid the probability is 0.199. (Cooper, 1987). 
The standard error ellipses in three different planes (XY, XZ, 
YZ) are visualized with the MMD tool. Standard error 
ellipsoids are also calculated and visualized. 
The design of measurements using three-dimensional CAD- 
models enables the more detailed measurement plan. Using 
network simulation, it is possible to consider the reachable 
measurement accuracies in advance. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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