Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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for inventory of architectural objects. In the discussed case. it was 
decided to use the "ORIENT" system. obtained from the T.U WIEN 
within the assistance for the Eastern European countries. At the same 
time, in order to publicize the created solution, it was also decided to 
elaborate own software package. basing on the condition of 
collinearity. which could be used for common calculation. in the 
variant wav, the elements of internal and external orientation for the 
network of terrestrial photographs. In practice, the "TERRANET" 
package was designed and created; its functional features are 
discussed in the next section. 
The above mentioned software tools also allow to accept the idea. 
that during the stage of obj ect registering, it is possible to take many 
photographs which cover the entire object, with the assumed scale. 
Respective overlapping of photographs allows to perform the 
process of terratriangulation, basing on these software tools. and 
then, to perform stereo digitising of selected photographs, which 
would ensure to perform proper stereoscopic observations and to 
maintain the assumed accuracy of object co-ordinates. 
Implementation of the terratriangulation process results in maximum 
limitation of the number of points required for the ground control 
network. Characteristic feature of programmes which are to be 
utilized for the needs of the discussed process is the possibility of 
simultaneous consideration of surveying measurements. which create 
additional equations of conditions. 
The calculated elements of external and internal orientation (in the 
case when non-metric photographs are utilized) are used for direct 
reconstruction of spatial models. by means of photogrammetric 
Such an approach required preparation of specialised software. 
which enables to receive resulting data from ORIENT or 
TERRANET packages and to generate - after observation of 
fiducial marks (restoration of internal orientation) parameters of 
orientation of photographs in a photogrammetric model and its 
absolute orientation with respect to the ground co-ordinate system. 
In the case of utilization of the analytical stereo plotter, it was 
additionally assumed that during the reconstruction of absolute 
orientation the following requirement should be met: when the 
reconstruction of the spatial model is completed. the measuring 
cursor, which is moving in the XY plane of the model. should move 
parallelly to the elaborated plane of the fagade of the building. 
Such a condition allows to create more convenient circumstances for 
the process of stereo-digitising. It has been assumed in the proposed 
technology, that the proper elaboration of particular stereogrammes 
should be possible on the modernised Stecometer produced by Zeiss. 
It has been accepted that the required range of modernisation of this 
instrument should include its adaptation to on-line work with a PC 
class computer and installation of a stepper motor, in order to 
eliminate the vertical parallax in a quasi-continuous w av - this allows 
to perform stereoscopic stereodigitizing. 
Il was also assumed for the discussed idea. that correct inventory. of 
architectural obj ects requires the observations and measurements of 
photographs with the utilisation of stereoscopic effect. 
It was decided, that in order to ensure the proper transfer of results to 
standard CAD software packages. special drivers should be 
developed to control the movements of carriers and to process 
photogrammetric measurin g data to field co-ordinates. which will be 
accessible for selected graphical editors to edit and archive data at the 
Photogrammetric station. After comprehensive analysis was 
Performed it was decided that the designed drivers will directly 
Support the MicroStation system. under which the object 
Measurements will be performed. 
It was also assumed that coding should be fully three-dimensional 
and obj ect-oriented. 
Acceptance of such an assumption, during the stage of 
stereodigitizing. allows to split the information on an object into 
layers. thus enabling to simpli possible editorial works during the 
creation of thematic maps and presentation of results. Spatial 
measurements of particular façades, in a stable. ground co-ordinate 
systems. allows to fully reconstruct the body of an object and then to 
present it. in an arbitrary - perspective or orthogonal - prj ection. 
with an arbitrary orientation of the pra ection plane. 
The discussed research project was implemented basıng on the 
equipment existing al the Photogrammetric Laboratorv of the 
Institute of Photogrammetry and Cartography: the precise stereo 
comparators STECOMETER ZEISS and the analvtical stereo plotter 
Original configuration of the stations using the precise stereo 
comparators has been modified. The stations were equipped with 
hardware and software elements, allowing to determine and 
automatically eliminate, in the on-line mode, the vertical parallax and 
to perform continuous registration of the measuring cursor, by means 
of the special card of electronic counters. The equipment of these 
instruments was amended by foot pedals and touch sensitive tablets 
in order to automatize and simplify the process of stereo digitising. 
In order to allow for elaboration of terrestrial photographs by means 
of the STECOMETER, the software package was prepared which 
allows to perform the following tasks: acquire photograph co- 
ordinates (TLOWE) in formats which correspond to requirements of 
adjustment programmes, the MODEL ST routine which processes 
instrumental observations into ground co-ordinate system. basing on 
data from the network adjustment. Drivers allowing to perform the 
3D stereo digitising process directly in the MicroStation system were 
also designed. 
Besides, standard software of PLANICOMP P3, the analytical stereo 
plotter, was modified and amended with the MODEL ST routine: 
this routine allows to create a model basing on terrestrial 
photographs and with the use of parameters which are determined 
during the process of terratriangulation. 
The ORIENT and TERRANET routines, elaborated within the 
discussed project, were applied to determine the initial data for the 
above mentioned routines. 
precise analytical photogrammetric 
stereocomparator stereoplotter instruments 
TLOWE data acquisition 
L L 
J i 
model reconstruction 
Fig. 1 Data flow in the system 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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