Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

5.1 Visualisation 
Clinical diagnosis relies on the human visual capacity to 
recognise structure and patterns. Effective visualisation is 
becoming a critical aspect of turning biomedical data into 
information and is becoming pervasive, particularly for 
complex decision support applications (eg. Udupa and 
Herman 1991). 
Although commercial instrumentation to measure corneal 
topography has become increasingly sophisticated, 
manufacturers have been slow to provide effective 
visualisation tools. As previously noted the most common 
visual record, the photokeratoscope image, has limited use. 
Line drawing representations of the topography such as relief 
contours (Bonnet and Cochet 1962), wire mesh diagrams 
(Itoi and Maruyam 1978), departures from sphericity (Clark 
1974) and, more recently, colour coded contour maps of 
corneal surface power (Maguire et al 1987, Klyce and 
Wilson 1989a, Missotten 1994) have improved the clinical 
value of the information but fall short of ideal because they 
still do not effectively convey shape information for clinical 
interpretation (Klyce and Wilson 1989b). More effective 
presentation schemes are required. 
For example, stereographic monitors could be used to 
visualise the topographic data in three dimensions. The 
scope of 3D visualisation in medical applications is 
illustrated by the notion of virtual simulation (eg Rosenman 
1991), in which the clinical design is carried out completely 
on a virtual model. Although technical development and 
implementation of 3D visualisation in medical 
instrumentation has tended to lead clinical validation of the 
real usefulness of the technology (eg Udupa and Herman 
1991, Hsu et al 1993), its application is rapidly increasing 
and the indications are that it can significantly improve 
diagnosis and treatment. 
Klyce and Wilson (1989a) used stereo-imagery to illustrate 
corneal asphericity with stereo wire mesh diagrams. Not 
surprisingly, they report a less than favourable response by 
clinicians. The wire mesh models are unsatisfactory three 
dimensional images and the complexity of mentally 
interpreting a three dimensional departure from sphericity 
renders them of little clinical value. Appropriate methods of 
visualisation need to be developed. 
5.2 Surface Matching and Difference Detection 
A requirement of the final product is that selected corneal 
models can be compared in order to: 
i. study temporal changes in the corneal topography of an 
individual patient, 
ii. compare preoperative 
topography, and 
iii. compare corneal topography of an individual patient 
with population models or an ideal corneal curvature 
suited to a particular eye. 
The cornea is however an uncooperative surface. The 
corneal model does not contain any control points and there 
are no natural targets. Any visible marks such as features on 
the iris are difficult to identify and geometrically unreliable 
because they are imaged through a refractive medium. There 
are no reliable geometric entities such as a corneal apex or 
corneal edges. Further, the patient's cornea cannot be located 
and postoperative corneal 
in repeatable positions or with accurately repeatable optical 
fixation. Successive corneal models will not represent 
exactly the same portion of the corneal surface. Any one 
may contain only a subset of the others. 
Among others, Rosenholm and Torlegárd (1988) have 
investigated DEM matching without control points for 
absolute orientation of =— stereomodels in aerial 
photogrammetry and their methods have been applied in 
close-range medical photogrammetry by Karras and Petsa 
(1993). Methods of obtaining a least squares best fit surface 
match without control have also been investigated by Pilgrim 
(1988, 1991a, 1991b, 1992) and by Mitchell (1994, 1995), 
Most methods minimise the difference in separation between 
surfaces using a least squares solution. Some minimise the 
angles between surface normals (eg Vezien and Koivunen 
1993). In this application, where the clinician may be 
primarily concerned with corneal curvature and corneal 
power, it is possible that a matching technique that is 
sensitive to surface normals will be more appropriate than 
one which minimises surface separation. Reliable methods 
of surface matching would significantly improve the utility of 
any corneal mapping system. 
5.3 Derived Quantitative Measures 
Corneal curvature is an important derivative of the surface 
model. Two valuable parameters are a global best fit radius 
of curvature over the optic cap and a local estimate of corneal 
curvature at selected points based on data from a limited 
region. These data are used to calculate corneal power and to 
characterise different human corneas. The number of points 
that are required to model the cornea, the accuracy required, 
and the trade offs between those two parameters have not 
been determined elsewhere. Questions such as the following 
must be addressed in order to design a model: 
i. How many data points are required in order to compute 
reliably the radius of curvature of the optic cap along a 
defined meridian? 
ii How many data points are required to compute reliably 
the local radius of curvature of the cornea over any 
small defined region? 
iii. In each case, how accurate must the three dimensional 
data be and what is the trade-off between accuracy and 
sampling density? 
The accuracy with which commercially available instruments 
measure corneal power is invariably tested using spherical 
targets. This is unreliable, since any instrument that uses 
reflected mire techniques will be able to measure the radius 
of curvature of a spherical target far more accurately than it 
could a non-symmetric aspherical cornea. The accuracy 
specifications for a digital implementation of the Keratocon 
should follow from a proper analysis of the algorithms used 
to compute parameters such as corneal power and a 
consideration of the accuracy demanded by current 
ophthalmic surgery. These issues are now being addressed 
by some researchers. The indications are that an accuracy in 
the order of -5um may be necessary for surgical procedures 
such as photorefractive keratectomy (Missotten 1994). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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