Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

automatically adapted to the surface curvature. Thus the 
system provides surface data which are ideally suited to get a 
high quality of the surface description in the subsequent CAD 
design process. The accuracy of the photogrammetric system 
depends on the image scale and it is in the order of 0.2-0.3 mm 
under the typical configuration. The typical rate at which 
points are measured is of the order of 70 points per second with 
current hardware. 
The system is integrated in a modern CAD system (ICEM 
Surf) which takes full advantage of the surface measurements 
of the photogrammetric system. Since the measurement can be 
done on the same workstation where the CAD-system is 
operated, the traditional work at the CAD workstation changes. 
It is now not only the construction of some object on the 
screen of a computer. Instead the measuring system can be 
operated by the same person on the same workstation, thus 
enabling a dialogue between the constructive part of the 
CAD-system and the measurement system. Also, the result of 
the design work can be superimposed with digital images to get 
realistic feedback as much as possible. 
The construction of some areas of the design may require a 
varying point density. Whereas a slightly curved large area 
may require only a few points to be measured, it may be 
necessary to measure a few hundred points where surfaces 
become very complex. The traditional approach of splitting the 
construction of the object on the CAD-station and the 
measuring of the model leads to the problem, that in general 
much more points are measured than would actually be 
required. With most measurement techniques applied today 
remeasuring and refinement of the measurements is not 
possible once the model has been taken out of the measuring 
machine, because either the model has been modified already 
or the measuring machine is occupied by some other model. 
Traditional coordinate measuring machines are designed to 
operate on a rather small range of object sizes, a machine built 
for a large object, like a full scale model of a motor vehicle, 
can hardly be used for small parts, like a radio blind on the 
instrument panel, and vica versa. 
Another advantage of digital photogrammetry is the complete 
documentation of the development phase which allows 
measurement refinements and densifications even during the 
construction phase, because digital images are availabe online. 
Furthermore, it becomes possible to measure objects of greatly 
varying size with the same equipment. This makes the method 
suitable for bulky objects like the full scale model of a car as 
well as small detail studies like a rear view mirror. Since the 
equipment is light and easy to transport it is not necessary 
anymore to carry the prototype to the measuring machine, 
risking to damage it, instead the camera is carried to the 
The paper also reports on the application of the integrated 
system to a design model. Surface data, which are recorded by 
the photogrammetric system, are used in the CAD system to 
mathematically approximate the measured surface by Bezier 
polygon patches. Rapid prototyping can be achived by using 
the surface facets digitized by the photogrammetric system and 
the global modelling part of the CAD system. Thus, the 
digitized prototype can be "virtually" changed like clay solely 
in the computer. The system approach is highly effective and 
appears as a tumkey system for CAD based car design and fast 
reverse engineering. 
2 The measurement system 
The description of the measurement emphasizes three distinct 
= The Hardware used during the recording phase. 
= The Software used during the measurement 
* The Calibration of the cameras to determine 
their interior orientations and lense distortion 
2.1 The Hardware Setup 
The hardware used consists of two Kodak DCS460 digital 
cameras, sometimes also referred to as still video cameras, a 
modified slide projector, a stereo base and a tripod. 
The Kodak DCS460 cameras are equipped with either standard 
24 mm or 28 mm Nicon lenses with fixed focusing ring to 
avoid a change in the interior oientation parameters of the 
Currently a special 24 mm lense which will be available later 
this year is under developement. This lens is specially 
designed for high image quality at close range and feature 
reduced lense distortion and distinct focusing positions to give 
higher flexibility in image scale. Thus it becomes possible to 
record the gross of an object efficiently from a moderate 
distance, and allows for close up detail with higher accuracy 
when it is required in certain detail areas. 
Figure 1 - DCS460 camera pair in front of a car model 
The camera used is a standard Nicon housing with all features 
of its 35 mm film counterpart. The camera back developed by 
Kodak replaces the film storage and transport system. It houses 
a 3072 x 2048 Pixel CCD black and white or colour sensor. 
The colour variant of the CCD sensor is less suitable for 
mensuration purposes because the individual pixels are masked 
in a regular pattern with red, green and blue filters. Thus, the 
green channel of the image for instance has interpolated green 
values in places where either red or blue masked pixels are 
situated, the same is true for the remaining channels. Although 
75 96 of the pixels are masked in green, because this is the 
channel the eye is most susseptible to. To measure on either of 
the channels alone would always result in in a reduction of the 
physical resolution of the sensor. The consideration of all 
colour channels simultaneously during the matching process 
would lead to a decrease of the measuring speed by a factor of 
three and only a slight improvement of geometrical accuracy in 
comparison to evaluating only the green channel. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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