Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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2.2.7 Accuracies and Point Density 
The typical camera setup to cover an area of 0.8 m x 1.2 m 
leads to a distance between the cameras and the object of 
apporximately 1.5 m and a stereo base of 0.7 m. The image 
scale here is 1:55, i.e. one image pixel covers an area of 0.5 x 
0.5 mm? on the object. 
The grid generator typically yields a grid width of 10 mm to 20 
mm depending on the curvature of the surface. The expected 
accuracy of the grid points is of the order of 0.15 mm. 
The typical setup for the profile generator is a point distance 
along the profile of 3 mm and a spacing between neighbouring 
profile planes of 10 mm to 20 mm. The least squares matching 
yields an accuracy of the a single profile point in the order of 
0.15 mm (Krzystek at al 1995). 
2.3 Camera Calibration 
The cameras used are non metric cameras, i.e. they do not 
have a fixed interior orientation. In opposition to metric 
cameras they lack fiducial marks defining the position of the 
CCD sensor in relation to the lense system, the focal length of 
the lenses are only approximately known and the distortion 
characteristics of the lenses have to be determined. 
Since the lenses used were developed for photographic 
purposes where distortion plays only a minor role, but it is 
here much more important to be able to take photographs also 
under unfavourable light conditions, hence they have a rather 
larger apperture opening. In addition, they have a large 
focusing range from close up photography to infinite distance. 
Thus, one can expect that such multipurpose lenses must show 
greater distortion values than lenses designed and optimized 
for a special task. 
This requires a thorough calibration of the lense / camera 
system. The lense must be calibrated individually for every 
desired focusing distance. For the typical task of measuring full 
scale motor vehicle models we decided to focus the lense at 
1.5 m and to use a fixed apperture at f-stop 11. This results in 
enough depth of view, the distance range at which the image is 
still sharp, to suit the measurement task. 
The lense / camera system is calibrated by taking images from 
16 different positions onto a flat calibration field. The 
calibration field consists of approximately 1500 round point 
markers on a 1.2 m x 1.2 m larger plate. The point markers are 
automatically measured by the calibration procedure and fed 
into a bundle block triangulation with additional parameters to 
model the deviation of the image coordinates from their ideal 
The result of the calibration procedure are the distortion values 
and the focal length of the lens which are used by the 
measuring process to correct the measured image coordinates. 
The calibration should be repeated periodically to guarantee 
constant accuracy of the measurements. In addition the 
calibration must be repeated if the lense must be set to another 
focusing distance or if the camera was accidentally hit, because 
this could move the internal lense system. 
Since the applied matching algorythms used in the grid 
generator and in the profile generator have an internal accuracy 
of 1/10th of a pixel or better the calibration of the internal 
orientation parameters should be at least of the same order. 
Experience has shown that it is possible to achieve calibration 
results better than 1 um, which corresponds to 1/10th of a pixel 
of the sensor (Schultes, 1996). 
3 The CAD system Icem SURF 
The CAD system described here represents surfaces using 
Bezier polygons. Since a complete object cannot be 
represented by a single polygon, the object is segmented into a 
number of patches which are tied up by continuity constraints. 
The definintion of patches is a manual task and requires some 
experience by the operator. 
Bezier splines can be defined in this system with varying 
polynomial degree and with varying size to suit the shape of 
the object. The advantages of Bezier splines are that they can 
be easily modified on the computer screen by shifting so called 
control points and they lead to a reduction of data handled by 
the workstation. 
There a two different approaches in working with the data 
produced by the photogrammetric system. The first is to start 
without an existing CAD representation of the model. This 
usually happens, if the stylist has begun his work by 
constructing a physical model. Here the photogrammetric 
system produces the initial data set from which the Bezier 
polygons have to be defined. 
Figure 3 - Measured profile data 
The operator will load the measured data into the CAD system 
and start off with nothing but the raw data on screen. It is the 
task of the operator to decide where to put the patches. Usually 
one would start off at an arbitrary point of the object to define 
the first patch. The patch can now be adjusted in polynomial 
degree to best fit the given data, in addition is is possible to 
extend the size of the patch until it covers an optimal area. A 
new patch has to be defined wherever necessary. Once the 
complete object is covered esthetic refinements can be made to 
the mathematical representation to ensure positional, gradient 
and curvature continuity between the patches. This will 
however only lead to an initial setup. 
The steps carried out so far only ensure that the polynomial 
representation fits as close as possible to the measurements. 
This does not yet guarantee that certain esthetic requirements 
are fulfilled. Very often the protoype from which the 
measurements came also lacks these requirements and in 
addition there is a certain amount of noise in the raw data 
resulting from small measurement errors. 
The next step is to force the polynomial representation to fulfill 
the esthetic requirements by applying small corrections to the 
patches and hereby deliberately deviating from the raw data. 
A very powerfull tool is the projection of reflection lines onto 
the design on the computer screen. Especially the design of car 
bodies requires that these reflection lines form an even and 
continous path along the surface. Even the smallest bump in 
the surface will lead to a bent appearance of such lines. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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