ference coordinates
in the single stages,
observed points L7 -
.0 mm of remaining
riori estimate by law
, (3)
'a axes,
grammetric base b,
| metric camera UMK
9 and œ’=46.59 there
7=1.3mmandmy =
observed points in
> in tab.1..Graphical
ock gate in separate
od line - geodetic
rizontal shift AY of
"geodetic" minus
s the true errors,are
L7 - L13 and F7 -
served points are the
nent was considered
a 1996
as a standard.This is caused with worse measuring of
photograph coordinates of observed points (contrast of
targets) and no synchronization between geodetic and
photogrammetric | measurements.Observed time of
geodetic measurements in one stage is cca 30 min and for
photogrammetric measurements is 1 - 10 second
(exposure time).
SHIFT [mm]
$ 10 15 20 25 30 38 40
Figure 6 Graphical presentation of deformation
The value of the true errors e is an accuracy estimate of
the horizontal shifts AY.A priori accuracy of measurement
of AY is given by the mean error m
m=—s (4)
whereby Ss is expected total horizontal shift of the lock
gate in mm
The expected maximum horizontal shift of observed
points located on the centre of surface of the observed
lock gate is 45 mm.According to the equation (4) is the
mean error of measurement of AY, m = 3 mm.The
horizontal uncertainty characterized by the mean error m,
= 1.5 - 3 mm is sufficient for the determination of the
displacements of observed points assumed by the project.
The analytical photogrammetric method utilizing ORIENT
software is the most convenient method for measuring
spatial deformations of the observed points in short time
intervals, as it was in the case of check measurements on
the left lock gate of the Gabéíkovo waterworks.The given
method can be used during full lock operation, what would
enable regular monitoring of the lock safety parameters.
Barto$,P.,1994. Photogrammetric measurement of the
geometric - hydrotechnical parameters of lock.Slovak
journal of Civil engineering,volume ||, 1994/4,pp.12-22
Barto$,P. - Gregor,V. Photogrammetric measurement of
the deformations of the Gabéikovo lock gate. Proccedings
of the Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques lll, Vienna
october 1995,pp.427-434.
ORIENT,1991. A universal photogrammetric adjustment
system - reference manual, Vienna,december 1995.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996