Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

clearance. Obviously in this case such vectors are not 
useful, except to demonstrate that control points (9,10,11) 
appear stable and that point (14) on the supporting jig has 
moved in a similar direction to the targets on the blade. 
Initial orientation parameters for each of the cameras 
were computed by the method of Fischler and Bolles 
using the locations of four of the surveyed retro-target 
control points (Fischler and Foley 1981). The tracking 
procedures used to automatically identify common targets 
between similar images at each epoch meant that the 
target correspondence problem was significantly reduced. 
Targets imaged at each of the five camera stations in 
epoch 10 were matched using a target correspondence 
algorithm developed at City University (Chen 1995). The 
method is founded on a three dimensional epiplanar 
geometry, iteratively incorporated within the bundle 
adjustment procedure. To avoid blunders, which can 
occur with dense targets and approximate camera 
orientation parameters, initial constraints were added to 
ensure that each target matched appeared on all images. 
As the estimates of the exterior orientation parameters 
were refined, the constraint was lowered to four 
viewpoints, and finally reduced to three viewpoints to 
collect any remaining unmatched targets. In this case the 
method correctly identified and matched all of the targets 
in five iterations. A common numbering scheme between 
all epochs could then be simply applied by cross 
referencing all target measurements within the 
appropriate images in the primary epoch. Any ambiguities 
caused by excessive target movement or occlusion 
during the course of the experiment were resolved by 
reapplying the epiplanar method to any remaining 
unlabelled target points. 
During the experiment, the blade was adjusted about a 
pivot point so deformation could not be estimated with 
respect to the survey datum. Instead, deformation 
analysis techniques were centred on a ‘free network’ 
bundle adjustment. To commence an analysis of the 
movements occuring in the rotor blade, the photoco- 
ordinate measurements and target co-ordinate estimates 
of targets on the rotor blade at epochs 10 and 11 were 
isolated. An initial common datum was defined by using 
the epoch 10 target co-ordinates as starting values in an 
iterative least squares estimation based on the method of 
‘inner constraints’ (Cooper, 1987). Since these starting 
values were final co-ordinate estimates based on the 
survey datum, scale was preserved. 
A global congruency test (Setan 1995) (using a = 0.05) to 
determine whether any significant movement had 
occurred between the two epochs was computed by 
analysis of the target co-ordinates and their associated 
covariance matrices. The global test indicated significant 
movement, so it was necessary to locate the unstable 
points. These were removed one at a time because the 
datum had to be re-defined with respect to the remaining 
points. A localisation procedure modified from Fraser and 
Gruendig (1988) was used for this purpose. The 
procedure consists of decomposition, re-ordering and S- 
transformations (Baarda 1973; Strang van Hees 1982) 
until the congruency test (using a=0.01) (Cooper 1987) 
was accepted. In this manner a group of stable points 
was identified. The displacements and stochastic 
attributes of the remaining points relative to the new 
datum were then derived and verified. This process was 
repeated as required to allow a comparison to be made 
between pairs of data from different epochs. 
Some parameters from the adjustment computed with the 
‘inner constraints’ epoch 10 data are shown in table 3. 
The RMS image co-ordinate standard deviations are 
derived from the mean of the measurements made from 
each set of three images. Since the target image quality 
was relatively poor, the frame averaging algorithm set a 
global image measurement standard deviation of 1/5th 
Table 3 Some parameters from the epoch 10 adjustment 
Degrees of 6.2. 0.220 | Measurements Targets 
Freedom: 333 | © 542 62 
Axis X Y Z 
Target RMS 0.09 mm 0.13mm 0.07 mm 
(* og) 
Image RMS 0.73 um 038um [| --—— 
residual (1/11 pixel) (1/23 pixel) 
Oo = standard error of an observation of unit weight. 
The relatively low object space precision, 1:30,000 of the 
object space, is a function of network limitations imposed 
by the number of cameras which could be used in the 
system and object space restrictions on their location and 
Computing a bundle adjustment including observations of 
straight lines at different distances gave a significantly 
larger variance factor, of the order of 1. This effect was 
isolated within the bundle adjustment to large residuals 
on the straight line observations caused by primarily by 
noisy line image observations. Calibration was instead 
carried out by computing radial and tangential lens 
distortion parameters from the mid-distance set of straight 
line images and holding these values fixed within the 
adjustment. Further work to include complete straight line 
calibration data, initially under controlled laboratory 
conditions, will be carried out as the technique could 
prove invaluable given the very large distortions present 
in low cost 'C' mount lenses used. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
Figure : 
of 10x e 
and 11 
the bott 
and 17, 
blade. / 

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