Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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File Edit View Options Camera Window About 
Figure 2. Window with four single images from testfield 
The images 2 and 4 are zoomed out. 
This frame grabber card makes it possible to perform 
many unable operations, the most essential for its work 
are as follows : 
e continuous acquisition of generated analog images 
from one CCD camera, in the so called mode "Live 
video", without their digital storing, 
e continuous acquisition of a certain number of images 
having defined recording interval, in the "Film" 
mode, from maximum 4 cameras, together with their 
automatic storage; for successive images created 
files get extension *.cO1, *cO2 etc., 
automatic acquisition of 4 successive images 
sequence from single camera or parallel single 
images from max. 4 cameras, 
conversion of the recorded images to digital form, 
transmission of the images to operational memory 
RAM or their storage on HD or FD; the files obtain 
the extension *.ccd, 
e display on the screen of single images or 4 
Successive images from single cameras or single 
images from not more then 4 cameras, 
zooming of image parts, 
processing of digital images, comprising : 
correction of quality image trough one of 4 contrast 
enhancement methods 
contouring of the image with one of 4 extraction 
e measurement of point coordinates on the screen in 
interactive mode with automatic assignment of 
numbers to successive points; there is a possibility 
of point position correction or their cancelling, 
© creation of files containing numbers and coordinates 
of reference point in the screen pixel coordinate 
System; they are written down in ASCII codes, with 
extension *.rp, 
targets with dialog-box ( image in normal case). 
e conversion of files — *.ccd with recorded digital 
images to the  *.bmp format. 
The system produces standard bit-map format files to 
store the images on the hard disk. This makes it 
possible to export the video images to other 
MS WINDOWS applications. The sequence of the 
images are stacked in single file in order to diminish 
their numbers in the current directory. In real-time 
mode, because of storing images in the computer 
memory, the number of acquired images is limited. 
Practically, for today's computers with some 
megabytes of memory, this problem does not exist. 
3.4 Image processing procedures 
In the module of digital processing, admitted range of 
processing techniques comprises procedures enabling 
image quality improvement and contouring of edges if 
the objects contained in digital image. Methods of 
image quality improvement make it possible to correct 
deformations of the image caused by, among others, 
non-proper lighting of the object, badly set sharpness, 
additional noise occurring, etc. These are contrast 
enhancement methods : 
e histogram equalization method, 
e linear histogram stretching. 
The second category of this range are operators : 
e non-linear processing - squaring, 
e non-linear processing - rooting. 
Detection of object edges in the image allows to obtain 
the image in the form of distinguished borders of the 
objects being in the scene (non-continuous change of 
image attributes). It enables logical interpretation of the 
image. Applied contour extraction methods comprise : 
® gradient method using 1-st order neighbourhood, 
e gradient method using 2-nd order neighbourhood, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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