Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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arget image 
the control 
points; the operator looks for pairs of images containing 
at least the same 6 targets, 3 of which being control 
points, and begins by pairing all these image points. The 
(asymmetric) relative orientation for each pair is 
computed, starting from approximate values of the 
rotations and base components. In our case, since the 
images were taken in pairs with two cameras mounted 
on a rod, the orientation of the images of a pair is easy, 
more difficult otherwise. Rather than using the Cardan 
sequence for the rotations, we express their approximate 
values in terms of a Euler sequence, which are easier to 
provide, and solve from the rotation matrix with respect 
to the angles w,ÿ,x. The models are thereafter absolutely 
oriented: since the Anblock hypotheses are not satisfied, 
we compute the transformation parameters by 
expressing the rotation matrix by the Hamilton's 
quaternions (Sanso, 1973) which do not require initial 
values. Finally, a bundle adjustment provides the exterior 
orientation of the images. Since the distribution of the 
targets in the images may not be ideal, the adjustment 
will be repeated at a later stage, when more image 
points are made available. If the initial configuration is 
too poor, nevertheless, the procedure may not continue 
correctly, due to a lack of targets in the area. 
We can now take advantage of the known epipolar 
geometry selecting from the pairs sets of three images, 
to find automatically more corresponding targets 
(Ayache, 1991; Maas, 1992). 
Let A be the reference image, B and C the other two 
images. For each target on A, the corresponding epipolar 
lines eg and ec are drawn on B and C respectively; 
targets Pg; and Pc, falling in a band along the two lines 
are considered (see Fig. 3). 
Starting from a point Pg; in B its epipolar is drawn on C 
and its intersection with ec is computed. If a candidate 
Pc, is found in a window defined by the two bands 
overlap around this point, then a candidate set is found; 
more candidates Pc, may anyway exist in the same 
window. Once all possible sets are found, ambiguities 
must be solved through a consistency check of the 
intersecting rays. This is done by computing, for each 
set, the three distances between the rays and taking their 
mean value. The set enjoying the minimum distance d, 
is taken. If din is smaller than a threshold, the ground 
coordinates of the point are computed. Once all 
candidates from A have been checked, the exterior 
orientation is improved by running a second bundle 
adjustment including the new points. 
After this first stage we have (one or more) groups of 
three oriented images, some known object points and 
some image points still to be numbered on the images. 
To go further the operator looks for adjacent images 
sharing at least three known object points and three 
more targets with two of the oriented images. He just 
assign the correspondencies, labelling the new points on 
the new image. Based on the common set of points, the 
above procedure is repeated and the new image is 
incorporated in the block, while the number of targets 
determined in object space increases. The procedure 
continues adding new images but may eventually stop if 
there are no images satisfying the above conditions. If 
this is the case, the operator must find another group of 
three images to restart with. 
Figure 3 - The identification of the corresponding image points 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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