Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

ction in an engineer- 
on method described 
norm data snooping 
nge photogrammetric 
in Figure 8. 
etry Example. Photo 
cluded four exposure 
d seven unknown ob- 
rk redundancy of 35. 
ocus of this example, 
rbed by 50m (noted 
ations were randomly 
of this limited exam- 
lay be correctly iden- 
jon whereas repeated 
ify multiple blunders 
of observations with 
int which is observed 
. It appears that the 
ih the intentional er- 
In addition to the 
l, a compelling rea- 
ease with which large 
a visual examination 
,» norm residuals 
L1 La 
p-value | p-value : 
0.00005 | 0.01097 
0.32227 | 0.00470 
0.06923 | 0.00001 
0.05638 | 0.01420 
0.01854 | 0.00001 
0.19880 | 0.25638 
0.30007 | 0.22081 
0.00001 | 0.00001 
e initial network un- 
stations which were 
utions containing un- 
Adding a fourth ex- 
] thereby increasing 
a 1996 
Figure 9: Lj Norm Residual Plot: Data Contains Two 
50um Blunders 
40 T T T T T T T 
30 3 
10 © 0° 
Q9 9 oo e o o 
0-0 ¢, 00 0x0 - 0000 “ao 0 © 0 0.9 0000 qo0o oc0oo oooco ood" oo C0 - 
5.0 o co 9. 9 
-10Fr- -— e o. 9 cis CY 4 
Residual Magnitude (um) 
1 1 L 
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 
Observation Number 
Figure 10: L5 Norm Résidual Plot: Data Contains Two 
50um Blunders 
20 T T T T T T T 
-5r ; Qi on 
Residual Magnitude (um) 
1 L 1 
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 
Observation Number 
network redundancy) eliminated the “spike-only” residual 
sampling distributions. 
8 Conclusions 
Based on these preliminary investigations and numerical 
examples, it appears that analysis of L; residuals can be 
put on a sound statistical footing by Monte Carlo gener- 
ation of sampling distributions. This together with the 
robust character of Li estimation makes it worthy of con- 
sideration for analysis of photogrammetric and geodetic 
networks. As pointed out, however, there are some po- 
tential pitfalls to avoid in network design when network 
redundancy is minimal. 
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Marshall, J. and Bethel, J., (in press 1996). Basic 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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