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ial system
A. Accuracy with Calibration
Table 1 Accuracy of Biosterometrics
stepl | without calibration 5.24 mm
principal point
Sepia difference 523 mm
step 3 + lends distortion 3.48 mm
New Bird Man System has steps of calibration,
accuracy is depended on problems of camera
distortion, A/D convertor, image processing and
velocity of person movement, etc, but Table 1
shows it's enough to analyze of walking.
B. Biomechanical Analysis
Kcal Case A
normal It. leg normal rt.
Case B
normal It. leg Se Sd rt. leg
Kcal Case C
| ^normal rt. leg 5°C
All | Fig4 Metabolic Energy (Z axis)
All persons who walked naturally under normal or
stressed conditions on their legs in same distance.
Not mechanical energy, Fig. 4 shows the change of
metabolic energy (medical data) of right and left
knee joint during walking in z axis.
In this study, the change in z axis explains a
balance of the body in right and left side.
In case A, natural normal walking, both knees of
most people had approximately same changes of
metabolic energy.
In case B, experimentally stressed walking, i.e., a
right knee and ankle fixed by a knee-ankle-foot
plastic medial orthosis, both knee had large
changes, especially unfixed knee not stressed one.
In case C, a damaged leg of some persons, who had
experienced a broken leg or knee ligament, had a
small change, but when a damaged leg became
supporting one, a large change.
Fig. 5 shows displacement of knee joint in x axis. In
this study, the change in x axis, the direction of
walking. Biomechanical analysis suggested the
three features.
X axis
Case À
m Case C
Fig. 5 Displacement of Knee (X-axis)
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996