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Constraints are hence exploited both for improved surface recon-
struction and camera pose estimation, thus leading to a consistent
and closed surface description from multiple viewpoints.
6 Experimental Results
This section deals with some experimental results that have been
achieved with the system. In the first part we show the incremen-
tal reconstruction of an existing appartment building. The second
part deals with the view point registration that can be achieved
with the system.
6.1 Hierarchical Surface Reconstruction
Figure 9 shows the input from the first of two camera viewpoints
for the modelling process: The original camera image (a), a depth
mep of the scene (b), which has a large number of dropouts, and
a manually created segmentation of the scene (c).
Figure 9: Input data for the modelling process: image (a), depth
map (b), segmentation (c)
In a first step the approximate shape is reconstructed consisting
only of the main walls and the front roof (fig. 10 left). The knowl-
edge base inserts the back walls although they are occluded in the
first viewpoint. À number of edge, position and angle constraints
are then imposed on the model, which serve to improve the initial
model’s shape.
Figure 10: Incremental surface reconstruction
In the same optimization process the second viewpoint position
is estimated through edge and position constraints that link the
model to the other camera position. After computing the basic
form, the main parts are fixed and used as references for the in-
cremental refinement of the model. As shown in fig. 10 (right)
smaller parts like oriels are aligned through parallel constraints
to the already determined main walls.
Figure 11 depicts the completed wireframe model of the build-
ing. In a last reconstruction step the original image information
is backprojected onto the model, which can be seen in fig. 12. It
has been generated from two stereo images, depth maps, a manual
scene segmentation and constraints derived from the knowledge
base. 28 surface elements are connected by 51 constraints. The
model is completely closed and has been textured only from two
original images. The camera position of the second camera has
been determined together with the model's construction.
Figure 11: Reconstructed Wireframe
Figure 12: Textured Model
6.2 Viewpoint Registration
During view point registration new camera positions are added
to the scene description. They can be used for incrementally re-
fining the model. To show the performance of the system during
viewpoint registration a reference object of well known geome-
try has been used. Figure 13 shows two original images (front
and right side). The estimated shape in form of a simple box is
Figure 13: Two views of the reference object using already regis-
tered camera positions
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996