be defined. The process has to restart with the next pixel
of the orthoimage. In the present state of the software for
orthoimage production this step is the most time con-
suming and needs further optimization.
re Position in the Definition of the
orthoimage: orthoimage
F^ row, column
Position on the
Reference plane: Digital Surface Model
Position on the Collinearity equations
Digital Surface Model: and data of exterior
X. Y,Z orientation
Hidden pixel?
Metric position in the Planar Transformation
distorted image: Parameters
X. y
Position in the
digitized distorted image: Resampling
row, column
Gray value in the
g(row, column)
Fig. 6: Calculation cascade for each pixel
of the orthoimage
Using the collinearity equations, the transformed data of
the exterior orientation and the data of the interior orien-
tation of the distorted image the metric image coordinates
in the distorted image are calculated.
Planar transformations, like affine or projective ap-
proaches, are usually used for the transformations be-
tween the metric image coordinates and the matrix of the
digital images. A meshwise transformation to be inte-
grated in this calculation cascade is under development.
The row and column of the point in the digital matrix of the
distorted image is determined in sub-pixel accuracy.
The grey value of the point is calculated by resampling
techniques, like Nearest Neighbour or Bicubic Inter-
polation, and transferred to its corresponding position in
the digital image matrix of the orthoimage. In the example
an improved Bilinear Interpolation has been used. For
Fig. 7: Orthoimage (Scale 1:400)
colour images only this final step has to be repeated for
each band.
Fig. 7 shows a digital orthoimage, derived from the image
displayed in Fig. 1. This example clearly demonstrates the
advantages compared to the classical approach (Fig. 2),
but also the limitations of the new approach compared
with the optimum solution. Fig. 8 shows an image, taken
from long distance with a long focal length, which provides
an impression of the product we would like to produce.
The calculations have been carried out on a Silicon Gra-
phics computer with 150 MHz and took about 4:30 min for
the combined calculation of the DSM and the digital
orthoimage. The resolution is 2.5 cm on the objects
surface, the DSM and the orthoimage have 1100 . 2050
grid elements.
For white areas no DSM data are available, black pixels
represent occluded areas. On the upper left part of the
left tower, we see hidden areas and unsharp regions as a
result of the extremely small angles between the surface
of the object and the imaging rays.
An other problem comes from object elements, which are
not represented in the Digital Surface Model, like the
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996
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