Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

dom "90—94 
ee nome ag 
427 466 
»poch 2 23.epoch] 
dam "90-94 
z [mm] 
epoch = 23.epoch] 
dom "90-94 
151 1 0 
A1 +Y 
.epoch = 23.epoch] 
The projection center coordinates determined by bundle 
adjustment were compared with ground survey. The dxo, dyo, 
dzo differences are presented in Table 3: 
The dxo, dyo differences can be neglected, but the dzo 
differences are the significant systematic errors. These dzo 
differences influence essentially the accuracy of control and 
observed points in heights. 
Table 3: Differences dxo, dyo, dzo between projection centers 
determined by ground survey and by the ORIENT - OR 1 
dam "90-94 
7 151 125 97 68 0 
m Al +Yg 
epoch — 23.epoch] 
1a 1996 
Projection dxo dyo dzo 
center mm mm mm 
Fl 1 0 -15 
F3 2 -1 -11 
F5 0 -9 
Achieved accuracy of the ORIENT - OR 1 
From the dx, dy;, dz; differences between ground survey and 
photogrammetric coordinates of the control and observed 
points for the OR 1 variant we obtain these RMS values: 
mxi-12mm  myi-20mm .mzi-8,6 mm (6) 
RMS m z1 according to (6) and its systematic error cz — 7,1 
were over the allowable values. It was probably caused by 
unfavourable distribution of control points in the image planes 
and mainly by the height differences between individual 
camera stations (Table 2). 
Under these conditions a linear dependence between the 
elements of inner orientation (especially y'h) and the 
coordinates of projection centers (especially z o) and the 
rotations (especially ® = ZE in ORIENT)can arise. 
3.2 Determination of photograph parameters and spatial 
coordinates by the ORIENT - variant OR 2 
The problems shown above have been solved by 
- increasing the number of control points to 6 for the F3 station 
and to 8 for the F1 and F5 station 
- the elements of inner orientation were determined 
individually for the station F1 and together for stations F3 and 
F5 by bundle adjustment. 
The Xo, yo, Zo projection center coordinates were compared 
with ground coordinates again. 
The dxo, dyo, dzo differences are given in Table 4: 
Table 4: Differences dxo, dyo, dzo between projection centers 
determined by ground survey and by the ORIENT - OR 2 
Projection dxo dyo dzo 
center mm mm mm 
Fl 0 -1 -5 
F3 2 -1 -6 
F5 -1 3 -2 
From Table 4 it follows that the differences of the dxo, dyo 
projection centers computed from the OR 2 variant were 
practically equal with the differences from the variant OR 1 
(Table 3). But the dzo differences (Table 6) were essentially 
smaller then the dzo differences (Table 3). 
Achieved accuracy of the ORIENT - OR 2 
The dx2, dy2, dz2 differences between ground survey and 
photogrammetric coordinates of the variant OR 2 are 
presented in Table 5. 
Table 5:Differences dx2, dy2, dz2 between ground and 
photogrammetric coordinates determined by the ORIENT - 
variant OR 2 
Control dx2 dy2 dz2 
point mm mm mm 
1 0 0 3 
5 2 1 2 
6 0 -3 1 
10 -2 -1 0 
11 1 3 2 
15 -1 -3 -1 
115 -2 1 3 
32 4 2 -5 
AVG -0.2 0.0 0.6 
RMS 1.9 24 2. 
Detail dx2 dy2 dz2 
point mm mm mm 
4 4 2 3 
7 1 -3 4 
8 0 2 2 
9 0 4 -1 
12 -1 -5 3 
13 -3 0 1 
14 -1 -4 -3 
AVG 0.0 -1.7 1.3 
RMS 2.0 2.8 2.3 
Control and detail points together : 
AVG 0.1 -0.8 0.9 
RMS 2.0 2.7 2.6 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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