Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

Achieved accuracy of the SAS method 
The dxa, dya, dza differences between the ground coordinates of 
observed points and the  photogrammetric coordinates 
determinated by the SAS method are presented in Table 1. 
Table 1: Differences dxa, dya, dza between ground and 
photogrammetric coordinates determined by the SAS method 
Detail dxa dya dza 
point mm mm mm 
1 -5 3 1 
4 4 5 3 
5 -5 -1 2 
6 -6 -2 2 
7 0 1 4 
8 0 -1 4 
9 -3 0 -1 
10 -7 3 1 
11 1 -2 0 
12 0 -2 3 
13 2 -2 4 
14 1 -3 -3 
15 -2 1 0 
AVG -2.2 0.2 1.5 
RMS : 3.6 2.4 2.6 
The achieved accuracy of SAS method was characterized by the 
following RMS : 
m xa — 3,6 mm m ya — 2,4 mm m za — 2,6 mm (3) 
with these systematic errors : 
cxa=-22mm cya=0,2 mm cza=1,5 mm (4) 
Advantage of these experiment was as follows : 
1. The ground survey of control points and the photography 
were carried out from the same stations and were synchronized 
in one day. 
2. Achieved accuracy of the surveying angle measurement 
according to (2) and photocoordinates measurements according 
to (3) were optimal 
3. Stability of the atmosphere was characterised by temperature 
within 5 ? to 6 ?C. 
3. Determination of the spatial coordinates by the 
analytical intersection using the ORIENT system of bundle 
ORIENT is an universal photogrammetric system of bundle 
adjustment which was developed at the Institute for 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the Vienna Technical 
University by Dr. Kager 
. The ground spatial coordinates and photocoordinates of the 
control points were used for the determination of 
parameters.The parameters included the following unknowns: 
The inner orientation, the coordinates of the projection centers 
and the rotations. 
Variants of the experiment 
In our experiment we determined the inner orientation and 
remaining parameters in two variants : 
1. Variant OR 1 - ORIENT: The inner orientation was 
determined for each photograph, from 5 control points placed 
on the border of the dam.This way was used as principal by the 
SAS method too. 
2. Variant OR 2 - ORIENT: The inner orientation was 
determined together for 9 photographs from the stations F3 and 
F5 and for 3 photographs from the station F1 (with different z ' 
h = — 20 mm). 6 - 8 control points were placed in the border of 
the photograph. 
Determination of the spatial coordinates of control and detail 
points was carried out by bundle adjustment for all the 
measured points and for 12 photographs. 
The height differences between the camera stations are given 
in Table 2. 
Table 2:Heights and their differences between the camera 
Camera Z dz 
station m m 
Fl 444.5 73.7 
F3 370.8 0 
F5 425.8 55.0 
3.1. Determination of photograph parameters and spatial 
coordinates by the ORIENT - variant OR 1 
For the parameters determination of variant OR 1 were used 5 
control points placed on the border of the dam only. Because 
the height differences between the station F1 and F3 is 74 m, 
the body of the dam covered only 1/4 of the photograph from 
the station F1 (Fig . 2). The similar situation is also for the 
station F5. 
Photograph parameters 
RMS of inner orientation parameters were determined by 
bundle adjustment as follows : 
mxh-0,002m myh=0,005m mf=0,012m (5) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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