Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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etric (x, 
ues w of 
es of (x, 
y, z) which can be considered to be the means of the cor- 
responding pure classes. Clearly we must perform a different 
Hough transform for each band. Since x, y and z are lumi- 
nances, they can take integer values in the range 0 to 255, so 
we have a 3-D accumulator array 256 x 256 x 256. Instead 
of searching exhaustively for all possible combinations of x, y 
and z we can select three samples from three different sites 
at a time. Thus instead of computing one parametric plane 
for a given w, we solve a system of three equations similar 
to equation (4) for the values of z, y and z. Then only the 
corresponding cell in the accumulator array is incremented. 
After the training part of the classification is concluded, it 
follows the testing part when we are going to use these derived 
values for x, y and z to classify any mixed set. Therefore, we 
need to know the intraclass variability in z, y and z in order 
to calculate the bin size for a and b. The intraclass variability 
can be estimated by examining the steepness of the peak in 
the Hough space. Let us assume that for a derived triplet 
(xo, yo, Zo) we have a peak value f;,,,,,44 in the Hough 
space. Then at the point (oz, yo, zo) we have: 
J (20.30.20) e ec 
fo ,y0,20) 
Form the above we can derive c; and in a similar way c, and 
G;. These standard deviations are likely to be different. In 
such a case we use the biggest one to calculate the bin size 
for a and b from equations (3). 
Since the simulation results showed that our model performs 
well, we then tested it with some real data. The aim was to 
decide on the type of vegetation in an area located close to 
Athens, the capital of Greece in the province of Attica. Four 
test areas (Penteli, Pateras, Varnavas and Lavrio) have been 
selected because there were forest fires in each of these areas 
within the last ten years. The training site data used in this 
work were collected by the Institute of Mediterranean For- 
est Ecosystem - National Agricultural Research Foundation 
(NARF) of Greece for evaluating the risk of desertification. 
The primary vegetation in this study area is composed of 
conifers, mainly Aleppo pine and a variety of shrub species. 
So the vegetation cover is categorised in three main classes: 
bare soil, aleppo pine and other vegetation. For training we 
used different sites for which ground data were available. We 
have no regions solely composed of one class so we derive the 
spectral characteristics of the real pure classes from sites for 
which we know their composition, using the Hough transform. 
39 training sites were used for this purpose. The algorithm 
was then tested on 14 sites which had not been used for train- 
ing and for which the composition was known from ground 
inspection as well. Two criteria were used to evaluate the ob- 
tained results. According to the first criterion a classification 
result is considered a “hit” if the dominant class is identified 
correctly, otherwise we have a “miss”. The second criterion is 
more strict, a classification result is considered a “hit” if the 
dominant class is identified correctly with accuracy +15%. 
The results of the Hough transform were compared with the 
results obtained by the Least Square Errors method. 
In Tables 4 and 5 S stands for soil, AP for Aleppo Pine, V for 
Other vegetation. The numbers are percentages of coverage 
by the corresponding class. Under the heading “LSE” we give 
the results obtained by using the Least Square Errors. Under 
the heading "Hough" we give the results obtained by using 
the Hough transform. All the results presented in the fol- 
lowing tables were calculated using only two bands, the ones 
that give the maximum discrimination for the three "pure" 
classes (in our case bands 3 and 5). 
With the LSE method according to the first criterion 24 sites 
out of the 39 were classified correctly and according to the 
second criterion 18 sites out of the 39 were classified correctly. 
Using the Hough model, according to the first criterion 25 
sites were classified correctly, while according to the second 
criterion we had 19 "hits". The detailed results obtained for 
these sites are shown in Table 4. 
At the second stage of the evaluation of our method, we 
tested our model using 14 sites that they had not been used 
for the derivation of the pure classes. According to the first 
and second criteria the LSE method classified correctly 5 sites. 
The Hough model had 8 "hits" in accordance to the first 
criterion and 6 "hits" according to the second criterion. The 
detailed results obtained for these sites are shown in Table 5. 
The simulation results showed that the Hough transformed 
method can tolerate large amount of outliers and still retain 
an acceptable performance. So the Hough method seems 
more attractive in terms of performance, but the price that 
one has to pay is the increase in computational complexity. 
The problem of exponential explosion of the number of 
quadruples one can use has also to be considered. Indeed, 
if each one of the distributions that represents a pure class 
and the mixed distribution consists of 30 points, we have to 
consider 30* possible combinations which is about 109 com- 
binations. This is really the limiting factor in our approach: 
It is not feasible to use it for large data sets or for many 
"pure" classes. However, the method is not really meant for 
large data sets as it is only introduced for the case that the 
datasets are not sufficiently large to allow reliable statistics 
to be extracted from them. 
The problem of multiple peaks in the Hough space when more 
than the mixtures are present can basicly be tackled by con- 
sidering pairs of equations and solving for a single (a, 5) 
and incrementing only one cell in the accumulator array at a 
time. The problem of combinatorial explosion is dealt with 
in [Kälviäinen et al., 1996] 
This work has been supported by the CEC project 0025 under 
the Environment programme. 
[Adams et al., 1986] J.B. Adams, M.O. Smith, P.E. John- 
son, "Spectral mixture modeling: A new analysis of 
rock and soil types at the Viking Lander 1 site", Journal 
of geophysical re search, vol.91, no.B8, pp. 8098-8112, 
[Bosdogianni et al., 1994] P. Bosdogianni, M. Petrou, J. Kit- 
tler, 1994. "Mixed pixel classification in Remote Sens- 
ing". Proceedings of the EUROPTO series, Image and 
Signal Processing for Remote Sensing, Vol 2315, pp 494- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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