Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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p, and q, on the F1 field within which bottom-up input 
patterns and top-down predicted prototypes are matched. 
The activities of these layers can be found in the figure. 
When the input pattern reaches a stable state in field F1, 
a bottom-up signal is transmitted to the F2 field. The 
neurons on the field then compete with one another for 
the signal. If one of the neuron wins, its corresponding 
prototype encoded in the top-down connections is 
initiated. The prototype and the bottom-up pattern are 
then matched to each other within the F1 field. If the 
goodness of the match is satisfied with certain criterion, 
the input pattern is regarded as being in the category 
represented by the F2 neuron. If the match is poor, the 
competition process proceeds until all the neurons in F2 
field are inspected. f no neuron wins in the competition, 
a new neuron is created to represent the new prototype 
(or new category). 
2.2 Hierarchical Clustering 
The spectral classes obtained at ART2 stage are 
regrouped using hierarchical clustering method at this 
stage. The spectral distance between two classes is 
calculated for all classes, then regroups two classes that 
has the minimum distance into one class. The 
regrouping process continues between the classes until 
the class numbers reach the desired numbers. As a 
result, the final product will provide the information 
3. DATA 
The data used in this study includes a simulated image 
and a Spot High Resolution Visible image. The 
simulated image is used to test the performance of the 
proposed classification algorithm, while Spot image is 
employed to demonstrate the practical applications of the 
method. The simulated image is designed to know both 
gray values and the corresponding class of each pixel in 
order to evaluate the classification accuracy more easily. 
It is generated first by applying an unsupervised 
ISODATA clustering algorithm to a subimage (512 x 512 
pixels) selected from an arbitrary Spot image. Seven 
classes are produced in this case. Next, the statistical 
parameters such as the mean and standard deviation are 
calculated for each class in all three bands. Then the 
simulated image is formed by specifying the gray value of 
each pixel in each band according to its class and the 
statistical parameters. In this study, each gray value is 
randomly chosen using its corresponding mean and up to 
three times of the standard deviation. The resulting 
simulated image is shown in Figure 2. It appears that 
the image is rather complex and could be a challenge for 
testing any classification performance. The real test 
image of size 512x512 pixels is selected from a Spot 
image. The image was acquired on September 19, 
1994 and its corresponding test site is located at Chung-li 
area of northern Taiwan. The site mainly is a land-use 
mixture of agriculture and urban. The major land- 
cover/land-use types can be identified as rice paddy, 
grass, barren land, lake, and built-up land. Figure 3 
shows the test image. 
The performance of the proposed method is tested firstly 
by using the simulated image. At first, 40 spectral 
classes are generated by ART2. The relatively small 
standard deviation of gray values (below 3.5) of each 
class indicates that the classes generated by ART2 are 
rather pure and homogeneous, an indication of fine 
classification of ART2. These 40 classes are then re- 
grouped to 7 classes. Figure 4 shows the classified 
simulated image. In addition, the accuracy analysis is 
performed by comparing with original class image. The 
overall accuracy of 99% demonstrates the excellent 
performance of the proposed method. 
The land-use mixture of agriculture and urban features in 
the test site basically forms a rather complicated image. 
The spectral responses in this area can be separated into 
a lot of different spectral classes which may represent 
significant or insignificant information classes. It is 
obvious that the conventional classification approach will 
have difficulty to perform a fine separation of this sort of 
surface features. The proposed ART2 approach, in fact, 
accomplishes a delicate and fine classification by 
separating the test Spot image into 51 spectral classes. . 
By inspecting the topographic maps and the ground truth, 
it is obvious that the dominant surface appearance in the 
test site can be categorized into six major land- 
cover/land-use classes: lake, grass, rice paddy, barren 
land, highly-reflective roof, and built-up land. Therefore, 
51 spectral classes obtained from ART2 are re-grouped 
into 6 classes using the hierarchical clustering method. 
Figure 5 illustrates the classified Spot image. The 
accuracy analysis, based on a random process carried 
out on the topographic maps and the classified image, 
indicates that an overall accuracy of 9596 can be reached 
for the test Spot image. 
An unsupervised neural network classification for 
remotely sensed imagery is proposed in this study. 
Firstly, the adaptive resonance theory 2 (ART2) neural 
network is employed to perform a fine classification. 
The main objective of ART2 is to produce the spectral 
classes as fine as possible from multispectral remote 
sensing data. Then the hierarchical clustering method is 
used to re-group the spectral classes to form the 
significant information classes. The proposed method is 
tested by using a simulated image and a Spot image. 
The analysis demonstrates that the proposed approach 
needs only few user-specified parameters to perform 
unsupervised classification while still keeps an overall 
accuracy above 95% for both simulated and Spot images. 
The test results indicates that the proposed method is 
very promising for the practical application of remotely 
sensed image. 
Bischof, H., W, Schneider, and A. Pinz, 1992. 
Multispectral classification of Landsat images using 
neural networks, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and 
Remote Sensing, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 482-490. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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