Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

The monthly surface and 20m depth of measurement 
yalues of TSS, HM, COD and PAH measured at the 
oceanographic stations(Fig.3A,Fig3B) in the Bosphorus. 
N gy 
ej B10 
10 km 
FIGURE 3A Oceanographic stations in the 
FIGURE 3B Oceanographic stations in the 
Golden Horn ' 
Environmental pollution including water pollution can be 
defined as the damage to water and air due to misuse of 
such resources by human beings. Residential sources of 
water pollution are the liquid sewage disposal discharged 
into the water by domestic and industrial organizations. 
Pollution sources such as agricultural irrigation, water 
carrying soil shifted by erosion, the discharges from 
ships, boats, and the solid wastes can be included in this 
category. The pollutants considered in this work are 
described both technically and aesthetically, as follows: 
Total Suspended Solids (TSS): These are precipitating 
solids and small pieces dislodged from the soil and 
either carried by or suspended in water. Measured in 
milligrams per liter Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is 
organic substances which are both suspended in water 
and deposited at the bottom of the sea forming an 
oxygen-free medium. When in suspension, these 
particles cause water turbidity and a grayish color. They 
also prevent sunlight from reaching acquatic plants. The 
organic components of TSS can be determined by 
collecting and separating them with 0.7mm glass filters, 
The unit of COD is measured in milligrams per liter. 
Humic Materials (HM) and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons 
(PAH): HM consists of organic matter including the 
products of biological decomposition of plants, living 
matter, and industrial paints and pigments. PAH consists 
of oil grease and heavy petroleum particles. PAH is 
deposited into the water either from the land or 
discharged from boats and ships. 
The hydrodynamic conditions in the Bosphorus are quite 
complex. With its synoptic view capabilities and image 
processing methods, remote sensing data combined with 
ground truth measurements can be regarded as a useful 
tool for monitoring the coastal zones. 
This study investigates the water pollutants with 
hydrodynamic conditions in the Bosphorus using satellite 
images based on Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper data on 
visual, near infrared and thermal bands and Spot data on 
multispectral bands with different dates (For TM,1986, 
1992; for Spot , 1993,). 
Image processing of the satellite data related to the 
Bosphorus was performed by using the Decision Image- 
Resource Image Analysis and ERDAS Systems located 
in the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Istanbul Technical 
University. As the first step, the radiomatically corrected 
satellite data were geometrically corrected. 
Regression analysis was used to examine the 
relationship between the water quality parameters(Table 
1A, Table 1B) and the reflectance values. The necessary 
values are provided in. Single pixel and 3 by 3 pixel 
window_ average values for each band at the station 
point in the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn. The two 
data sets that means reflactance and water quality 
measurements are analyzed and the regression 
coefficients (a,b) are tested.During the regression 
analysis water quality measurements on hydrologic 
station point are taken as X; and the values of 
reflactence on same points are Y . In the results of the 
regression analysis of the bands have obtained, 
coefficient of correlation(R) on TM data (24th October 
1986)was taken in the last week of October and the 
water quality reference data were collected in the first 
week of November. The coefficients of correlation on the 
first band are observed as 83% for TSS, 86% for HM, 
47% for COD, 80% for PAH and on the second band 
‘also are observed as 68% for TSS ‚63% for H M, 49% 
for COD,68% for PAH . For the SPOT data (13th June 
1993) also had taken not simultaneously water quality 
observationswhich are near date. As the result of 
regression analysis are obtained on the first band 1%for 
TSS, 8996 for HM , 46% for COD , 92% for PAH . 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996

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