Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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In the VNIR , major differences show up in the comparison 
between results obtained by both methods for those minerals 
that could be mapped by SAM (hematite, goethite and jarosite). 
SAM did not find much hematite in the whole scene, whereas 
Tricorder mapped significant clusters of pixels as hematite in 
both districts. However, some of the pixels mapped as hematite 
by Tricorder were assigned to goethite by SAM. On the other 
hand, pixels that Tricorder mapped as goethite were assigned to 
jarosite by SAM. 
In order to assess the accuracy of the results, particularly those 
obtained by Tricorder which identified a greater number of 
minerals, we selected six sites for ground checking and 
collected samples for laboratory spectral analysis. These sites 
correspond to areas where one or more alteration minerals were 
mapped by Tricorder in the VNIR and SWIR. Rock samples 
from each site were analyzed using a Beckman UV-5240 
spectrophotometer. The resulting spectra were then convolved 
to AVIRIS bandwidths for comparison with pixel spectra. 
Table 1 shows these six sites with the sample number, their 
location on the scene and a comparison of the minerals assigned 
to them by both, Tricorder and SAM. For the location without a 
sample number in Table 1, only the pixel spectrum and a library 
spectrum were used, since it was not possible to collect a 
ground sample. 
Sample Pixel Location (row/line) Tricorder Result SAM Result 
BO-17 481/435 Na-montmoril. Na-montmoril. 
BO-11a 161/352 Ca-montmoril. Na-montmoril. 
BO-14b 589/445 kaolinite(pxyl) kaol./smectite 
- 524/352 kaolinite kaol./smectite 
BO-14a 485/442 halloysite Na-montmoril. 
BO-05 78/344 Na-montmoril. & goethite Na-montmoril. & jarosite 
Table 1 - Comparison of results between SAM and Tricorder for 
selected sites. Spectra for each site is shown in figures 9 to 14, respectively. 
An overall coincidence of the most important spectral features 
for each mineral was observed. The vibrational absorption 
features located at approximately 2.20 mm, characteristic of 
hydroxyl-bearing alteration minerals such as those that occur in 
Bodie and Paramount, shows a good correlation in both 
position and shape between ground sample, AVIRIS pixel and 
library spectra for all these samples. 
The spectra of the pixel which Tricorder mapped as kaolinite 
(sample without number) shows a remarkable coincidence for 
the doublet feature centered at approximately 2.20 mm. The 
same coincidence was observed for the sample, AVIRIS and 
library spectra of the pixel mapped as poorly-crystalline 
kaolinite (sample BO-14b), despite the fact that in this case the 
feature is more subtle than in well-crystalline kaolinite. 
Halloysite (sample BO-14a) was also mapped and differentiated 
from well- and poorly-crystalline kaolinite, despite having a 
even more subtle doublet in the same region. Apparently 
Tricorder can deal with even the most subtle spectral 
differences because on its ability to analyze for total shape, 
using the three or four most significant SWIR absorption 
features and weighting these features differently in the final 
steps of the fitting process. 
A good correlation between position and total shape can be 
seen for the more obvious absorption features related to Na- 
montmorillonite and Ca-montmorillonite (samples BO-17 and 
BO-11a), particularly the single feature near 2.2 mm. Different 
depths of this feature for both minerals was one of the criteria 
used by Tricorder to discriminate between them. 
Sample BO-05 corresponds to a location identified by Tricorder 
as containing Na-montmorillonite and goethite. Its spectrum 
clearly show the more obvious features due to these two 
minerals, the electronic absorption due to Fe” ion of goethite at 
0.92 mm and the vibrational feature due to the OH ion of 
montmorillonite at approximately 2.20 mm. As these two 
spectral regions (VNIR and SWIR) are processed separately by 
Tricorder, this pixel has been assigned to both minerals. SAM, 
however, mapped this same pixel as jarosite using the VNIR 
We managed to recognize and map a variety of minerals 
associated with hydrothermal alteration processes using 
AVIRIS data at the Bodie and Paramount mining districts, 
California. The method selected for calibrating the data and for 
retrieving reflectance from radiance was precise enough to 
allow mineral mapping without the use of independent ground 
and atmospheric data. This represents a major advantage for 
mineral exploration activities in which ground data acquisition 
is usually not possible or desirable during the initial phases of 
an exploratory program. 
In general, Tricorder was able to produce mineral maps with 
greater variety of alteration minerals than SAM. Results 
obtained for the SWIR region showed a relatively good 
coincidence between the two methods for alteration minerals of 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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