major occurrence in the study area, such as montmorillonite and
kaolinite. Both methods showed an east-west zonation in the
alteration at Paramount and also some zoning at Bodie. The
zonation at Paramount is more clear and, as shown by
Tricorder, has predominantly kaolinite (both types) and
halloysite in the western and southwestern portions and
predominantly Na-montmorillonite in the eastern portion, with
a dividing line coinciding with Atastra Creek. SAM also
showed the same zonation but mapped predominantly
kaolinite/smectite in the western and southwestern portions and
Na- and Ca-montmorillonite in the eastern portion. In addition,
Tricorder was able to map two types of kaolinite, plus
halloysite, muscovite and illite.
In the VNIR however, results from both methods were quite
different. Pixels mapped by SAM as goethite were assigned by
Tricorder to hematite, whereas others mapped as jarosite by
SAM were assigned to goethite by Tricorder. Tricorder
managed to map more pixels as minerals with diagnostic
spectral features in the VNIR than SAM, including hematite,
goethite, K-jarosite and cummingtonite.
Spectral analysis of samples from selected sites confirmed the
Tricorder results in the SWIR region. There was a good
coincidence of position and shape of the most important
diagnostic features for Na- and Ca-montmorillonite, kaolinite
(with different crystallinity), halloysite, kaolinite+smectite,
muscovite and illite between spectral curves from ground
samples, AVIRIS pixels assigned by Tricorder to these minerals
and reference spectra from the USGS Spectral Library.
Some of the characteristics of SAM, such as its availability in
commercial image processing packages, ease of use and speed
make it a feasible operational option for mineral mapping in
exploration activities. Tricorder on the other hand produced
more detailed results than SAM, and will be available for
general use in the near future, but its complexity will demand
some training, basic knowledge of spectroscopy and
considerably more computing time than SAM.
The authors would like to thank Robert O. Green and his
collaborators from the AVIRIS project at NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory for the support with atmospheric
calibration of the data and Dr. Roger N. Clark, at USGS's
Spectroscopy Laboratory, for the use of Tricorder and fruitful
discussions on mineral spectroscopy. A.P. Crósta acknowledges
the support of the Desert Research Institute (DRI), University
and Community College System of Nevada, during a sabbatical
year as a visiting scientist, as well as the State University of
Campinas, Brazil. This work was funded in part by Fundacäo
de Amparo à Pesquisa no Estado de Sáo Paulo (FAPESP,
Brazil) through Grant # 94/3474-0.
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Taranik, J.V., and Crósta, A.P., 1996, Remote sensing for
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geoscientists in the near future. XVIII Congress of the
International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,
Vienna, Austria, July 9-19, 1996.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996
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