Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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cidence angles are different because one group is in the 
near range and the other in the far range. It is found 
that for buildings in the near range where the inci- 
dence angle is about 309, the backscattering is dom- 
inated by single bounce scattering. According to our 
observation, the roofs of most of buildings, consisting 
of plain tiles, are tilted about 30 — 35° from vertical. 
Therefore, strong specular reflections from the roofs 
are expected. Figure 1 shows the measured P-band 
polarisation signatures by these buildings at the inci- 
dence angle of 30°. Shown in the figure are also the- 
oretical polarisation signatures by single bounce scat- 
tering for comparison. In contrast, when the incidence 
angle becomes 60° for the buildings in the far range, 
the roofs are not perpendicular to the radar any more. 
What the radar measures in this case is a strong dou- 
ble bounce scattering from the wall-ground structures. 
Figure 2 shows the observed P-band polarisation sig- 
nature by these buildings at the incidence angle of 
60°. Shown in the figure are also theoretical polari- 
sation signatures by double bounce scattering from a 
wall-ground structure for comparison. 
Normalised o 
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Figure 2: Top: Measured P-band polarisation signa- 
tures from buildings facing radar at incidence angle 
of 60°. Bottom: theoretical polarisation signatures by 
double bounce scattering. 
Tables 1 and 2 list the percentages of single, double 
and Bragg scattering components of the HH polari- 
sation for these two groups of residential buildings at 
P-, L- and C-bands. The error between the predicted 
and the measured values is also given in the tables. 
It can been seen that while a dominant single bounce 
scattering component is decomposed for the buildings 
at the incidence angle of 30°, a strong double bounce 
scattering component is attributed to the buildings at 
the incidence angle of 60°. 
One can see from Table 1 or Table 2 that the decom- 
Table 1: Scattering components as a percentage of 
the total HH backscattering response for residential 
buildings at incidence angle of 30°. 
Band | Single% Double % Bragg % Error % 
P 65 35 0 3.4 
L 63 37 0 5.1 
C 59 41 0 2.8 
Table 2: Scattering components as a percentage of 
the total HH backscattering response for residential 
buildings at incidence angle of 60°. 
Band | Single % Double % Bragg % Error % 
p 25 75 0 3.2 
L 22 78 0 -5.4 
C 3 70 0 6.8 
positions are similar at all three bands, which implies 
that the polarisation signatures at all three bands are 
similar for each group of buildings. One of the possible 
reasons to explain this is that the large rigid structures 
of built targets may appear not significantly different 
to P-, L- and C-band radars. Therefore, statistically, 
all three band radars capture similar polarisation sig- 
natures. As will be seen in the following subsections, 
the situation for forested areas is totally different. 
4.2 Forests 
The decomposition for native eucalypts is listed in 
Table 3. The components of double bounce scatter- 
ing decrease from P- to C-band, because foliage at- 
tenuation increases with an increase of the frequency. 
It is the foliage attenuation that masks the double 
bounce scattering from the trunk-ground structures. 
On the other hand, the single bounce components in- 
crease from P- to C-band, as the backscattering from 
the top layer increases with increase in frequency. Fig- 
ure 3 shows the co- and cross-polarisation signatures 
for the native eucalypts at P-, L- and C-bands. It can 
be observed that while the double bounce scattering 
dominates the P- and L-band signatures, the single 
bounce scattering features in the C-band signature. 
In addition, pedestals (co-polarisation at x — 2:45?) 
are high for all bands. Physically, this means that 
the responses of RR (right-handed transmission, right- 
handed receiving) and LL (left-handed transmission 
and left-handed receiving) circular polarisations are 
significant. A field of right-handed circular rotation 
becomes a field of left-handed circular rotation after a 
single bounce of the specular reflection and vice versa 
for pure conducting material. The VH (HV) compo- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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