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Area (96)
Slope Steepness (S) were integrated to form the Natural
Erosion Potential (NEP) for the area under study and they
were divided into three levels : low, medium and high.
The integration of A (soil loss suitability) and At
(tolerable index) data, allowed the discrimination of areas
under erosion process (EP) and areas without erosion and
areas of high erosion risks on the timeframe 1988 - 1994.
Table 2 presents the quantitative results of critical areas
and non-critical areas and it is possible verify that for the
year 1994 there is an increase of critical area (58.6796 to
Classes 1988 1994
Area (ha) | Area (%) | Area (ha) | Area (%)
Critical Areas 5616.57 58.67] 6316.56 65.98
Non- Critical 3956.90 41.33] 3256.91 34.02
and land
such as
(L) and
Table 2 - Quantitative assessment of areas submitted to
erosion processes in 1988 and 1994.
This fact is associated mainly to the reduction of
reforestation and natural vegetation areas as well as to the
increase of areas planted with summer crops and pasture
that present lower soil erosion protection when compared
to reforestation and natural vegetation areas.
The analysis of the NEP and EP maps for the two dates
shows that the class with high NEP coincides with areas
of high erosion risks, although there are areas that present
high NEP but without erosion risks due to the presence of
natural vegetation and reforestation. The EP maps allows
the verification of the influence of land use changes on
the erosion process and shows the importance of this kind
of information as an input for environmental and
agricultural planning of watersheds.
This study shows that, for small watersheds it is possible
to monitor soil erosion processes using the USLE model
and geoprocessing techniques. The temporal analysis of
these areas submitted to erosion risks shows that the most
critical areas are mainly associated with summer and
perennial crops, growing in incompatible conditions to
the land use capability of these areas.
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