Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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Monitoring the vegetation cover and the regeneration 
rate at burned sites is of major importance for land 
resource management. In this study an approach is 
suggested that uses multitemporal TM imagery. In a first 
step, vegetation cover is determined from the near - 
infrared and red spectral region of the imagery by 
applying a vegetation index. The vegetation cover 
estimates for different dates are used in a second step to 
determine regeneration rate. 
3.1. Vegetation Cover 
A dense vegetation cover at a burnt site has normally re- 
established itself within two to five years of a fire. 
However, the process of regeneration can be impeded by 
many factors, such as animal grazing, a paucity of 
precipitation, or soil erosion. 
Aerial photographs are commonly used to obtain an 
estimate of a region's vegetation cover, but there also 
exists a strong correlation between vegetation cover and 
satellite-based vegetation indices that can provide this 
information over much larger areas. One such index is 
the Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (MSAVI) of 
Qi et al. (1994), which is given by 
2* D uim +1-J@ Por + 1)” =8( Pair = Prep) 
where p,, = Reflectance in the NIR spectral region 
Po = Reflectance in the red spectral region 
For quantitative estimates of vegetation cover, field sites 
without any vegetation cover and forested sites with “full 
cover were used in the analysis. The selection of 
appropriate sites is critical for the accuracy of the 
estimates. For non-vegetated areas, sites with bare soil 
and rocks were selected. No burnt sites were included. 
Aleppo pine forests were used as a reference for "full" 
vegetated sites. A comparison of the MSAVI values with 
ground-acquired vegetation cover data for the 39 
reference sites shows a linear relationship. Therefore, the 
MSAVI values were linearly stretched between the mean 
values for the non-vegetated and the forested sites. 
As an independent quality control, 14 validation sites in 
addition to the 39 reference sites were used. A 
Comparison between ground cover estimates for this 14 
validation sites and their corresponding MSAVI-obtained 
estimates is given in Table 1. 
Table 1: Vegetation Cover for the Validation Sites 
Test Site Ground | Estimate | Residual 
Area truth (96) (96) (96) 
Lavrio 1 85 82 3 
2 90 75 15 
Pateras 1 75 74 1 
2 85 81 4 
3 70 86 16 
4 90 72 17 
5 30 43 19 
6 30 38 8 
Pendeli-1 1 65 74 9 
2 70 92 22 
3 40 58 18 
Pendeli-2 1 95 80 15 
Varnavas 1 95 95 0 
2 100 91 8 
The results give an overall RMS-Error of +13 %. 
3.2. Monitoring regeneration rates 
For quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the degree 
and extent of regeneration, the difference in vegetation 
cover between two image acquisition dates is used. 
A prerequisite for this approach is a high precision 
overlay of the image data sets. At a minimum, the 
different image data sets have to be registered to one 
"reference" image. If coordinate information for further 
analysis or mapping is required, georeferencing of the 
images is necessary. Almer et al. (1991) give an estimate 
of the geometric location accuracy as a function of terrain 
height and imaging geometry for affine and parametric 
geocoding. In this study parametric geocoding was 
performed for the image data sets, incorporating a digital 
elevation model. By using the RSG (Remote Sensing 
Software Package Graz) developed at our institute, we 
achieved absolute geometric accuracies better than + 1 
pixel for all image data sets. However, for many 
monitoring applications, an affine transformation without 
a digital elevation model can be sufficient and very cost 
effective, especially for monitoring large regions. 
By incorporating imagery from several acquisition dates 
throughout the monitoring period, the dynamics of the 
vegetation development can be studied in detail. In this 
study TM imagery acquired in 1984, 1987, 1990 and 
1993 were incorporated. Figure 1 shows the dramatic 
developments in a part of the Pendeli test area, north- 
east of Athens. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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