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3.1 Landscape characteristics
The Landsat TM image of the island is shown in Figure 1.
Five landcover types were classified by ISODATA
clustering using TM data without band 6 based on aerial
photographs and ground survey data as ground truth data
(Figure 2). The vegetation of Forest-1 type is composed
of conifer trees (Pinus densiflora and Abies firma). The
Forest-2 type is the mixed forest of conifers and
deciduous broadleaved trees. The Forest-3 type is the
deciduous broadleaved forest which consists of Fagus
crenata and Carpinus tschonoskii etc. The Grass type
vegetation is composed of Miscanthus sinensis or Zoysia
Contour, slope and aspect maps of the island are shown
in Figures 3, 4 and 5. The gentle landform is widely
extended to the eastern part, northern and western parts.
South facing areas are dominated in the western side of
the island and north facing areas are found in the eastern
3.2 Distribution of Sika deer
We input the locations of the points where deer were
found, then, overlayed the above mentioned topographic
layers (contour, slope, aspect) and the landcover layer
(Figure 7). The number of finding points and deer of each
category are summarized in Tables 1-4. A large group
(123 individuals) of Sika deer was found at the grassland
near the Koganeyama Shrine. Apart from this group,
many deer were frequently found at the Forest-3 type
vegetation (deciduous broadleaved forest), that is at 100-
200 m in altitude and on the east - southeast facing slope.
Table 1. Number of deer found in each landcover type.
Table 2. Number of deer found in each altitude class.
Altitude (m)| # points # deer area (ha) #deer/100ha
0-50 5 125 178.65 69.97
-100 13 20 241.02 8.30
-150 23 49 182.61 26.83
-200 26 46 158.40 29.04
-250 17 16 - 117.99 13.56
-300 8 12 78.57 1527
-350 3 3 44.82 6.69
-400 0 0 22.41 0.00
400< 0 0 0.09 0.00
95^ 271” 102456 26.45
Table 3. Number of deer found in each slope class.
Inclination | # points # deer area (ha) #deer/100ha
0-5 0 0 0.27 0.00
5- 15 281222160: 14 17.49
10 - 31 50 1295.11 16.94
15 - 28 137 241.47 56.74
20 - 11 19 142.74 13.31
25 - 5 4 84.78 4.72
30 - 2 26 47.97 54.20
35 - 2 4 25.47 15.70
40 - 1 3 26.10 11.49
95... 271 1024.02 26.46
Table 4. Number of deer found at each aspect.
Aspect # points # deer area (ha) #deer/100ha
Flat 0 0 0.27 0.00
N 17 22 17451 12.61
NE 6 11 119.43 9.21
E 8 35 109.53 31.95
SE 15 28 … 125.19 22.37
S 20 S0. 175 14 17:13
SW 7 14 99.36 14.09
W 5 8 91.71 8.72
NW 17 123 12888 95.44
95 271 1024.02 26.46
Landcover | # points # deer area (ha) #deer/100ha
Forest1 38 71 468.54 15.15
Forest2 26 96 268.20 13.42
Forest3 22 94 13905 24.45
Grass 8 128 94.41 135.58
Bare 1 2 53.82 3.72
95 271 1024.02 26.46
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996