Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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The next step was to recode the different classes using an 
offset of 1, the alteration bodies were recoded as 1 whereas 
all the remaining classes as 0. The obtained two recoded 
files were then joined using a matrix overlay technique with 
an “intersection” function, whereby those pixels having a 
value of 0 and 0, 0 and 1, or 1 and 0 in the GIS files obtained 
form band-ratioing and Feature-oriented PC transformation, 
respectively were regrouped accordingly as classes 1, 2, and 
3 whereby they were given a new value of 0. Those pixels 
having a value of 1 in both GIS files, and thus correspond to 
the alteration bodies, were grouped as class 4 and obtained 
a new value of 1. Further rifining was carried out to omit 
isolated random pixels or group of pixels less than about 
100mX100m size by runing a 3X3 low-pass filter. The 
resulting binary image appears to have succeeded in 
excluding the undesired Quaternary sediments and has 
substantialy mapped the gossaniferous bodies (Kenea, 
1996). Interestingly the image has also managed to exclude 
basic metavolcanics that did exhibit a similar feature as the 
altered rocks on the ratio image produced by List, et. al. 
(1992, personal comm.) for the same area. 
The applied standardized PC transformation has proven 
useful for lithologic discrimination among rocks with subtle 
chemical difference where commonly used band composites 
failed to give good results. Furthermore, in addition to data 
compression, it provided images with higher signal-to-noise 
ratio that allowed more band combinations thereby enabling 
improved mapping of the rock units in the area. Known 
hydrothermally altered areas and gossaniferous bodies have 
been successfully mapped by using Feature-oriented PCA 
followed by low-pass filtering, making the method 
recommendable for exploration in similar occurrances. 
Computation of band-ratio composites followed by a GIS 
matrix-overlay technique have substantially improved the 
result by excluding undesired objects. The latter operations 
appear least useful for lithologic discrimination, mainly for 
lack of morphological features useful for geologic image 
interpretation, longer processing steps and involvement of 
Field works were conducted under the Special Research 
Project-69 (SFB-69), sub-project F5/E7, financed by the 
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research 
Foundation). The stay of the first author in Germany was 
sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service 
(DAAD). The research has been supervised by Prof. F. K. 
List. All colleagues at the remote sensing section (FU) are 
thanked for their assistance at several stages of the work, 
particularly R. Schóler for keeping the computers running. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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