Work to date has shown that wavelength (Bryan, 1975; Haack,
1984; Hender$on and Anuta, 1980), incident angle (Brisco, 1983; Henderson, 1995; Hussin, 1995; Kessler, 1986),
and polarization (Haack, 1984; Henderson and Mogilski, 1987;
Lewis, 1968) all influence detection of human settlement. Thc
role of environment has also been explored (Forster, 1985;
Henderson and Anuta, 1980; Lo, 1986; Trevett, 1986). A
review of these system and environmental variables and a
review of radar research in these areas can be found in
Henderson and Xia (in press); and Xia and Henderson (1995).
One of the problems to date has been the unavailability of SAR
data sets that permit an analysis of more than a single variable.
Most SAR systems acquire data at a single wavelength,
polarization, and incident angle. This study provides the
opportunity to study these variables simultancously in a single
study area.
The study area, approximately 20 by 25 km, is located
southwest of Munich, Germany. The glacial and fluvial-glacial
landscape is part of the Ammer Loissach Hucgelland. The
undulating hills reach heights of 750m with a main gradient
from south to north. Land cover consists primarily of mixed
hardwood and conifer forests, wetlands, and meadows and
pastures. "The arca is popular with tourists and as a commuting
suburb to Munich. As a result the arca population has increased
dramatically over the last thirty years. "Village populations
range from a high of about 10,000 to small groups of only two
or three buildings.
The study area was imaged by SIR-C SAR on ascending passes
on April 11, 1994 and April 18, 1994. The former pass was
acquired with an incident angle at image center of 28 degrees;
the latter with an incident angle of 57.7 degrees. The data
were resampled to produce a 12.5m resolution ground range
projection and hard copy images at a scale of 1:110,000
generated for interpretation. The entire data set consisted of 17
scenes. The April 11 data set (small incident angle) consisted
of: (1) X-VV; (2) C-VV; (3) C-HH; (4) C-HV; (5) L-VV; (6)
L-HH; and (7) L-HV. The April 18 data set (large incident
angle) consisted of: (1) X-VV; (2) C-VV; (3) C-HV; (4) L-VV;
(5) L-HV; (6) C-total power; and (7) L-total power. In
addition, three multispectral color composite SAR scenes were
produced: (1) X-VV/C-HV/L-VV; and (2) X-VV/L-HV/C-tp
from the large incident angle data and (3) X-VV/C-HH/L-HV
from the small incident angle data.
Each scene was visually interpreted and all sites thought to be
settlements were delimited. SAR scenes were selected for
interpretation in a random order. The images were interpreted
over a three week period with the color composites analyz
last to minimize any learning curve bias. The results were
compared with 1:50,000 topographic maps of the study arca t
determine accuracy and errors. Fifty-three settlements in the
study arca comprised the data base. Settlements listing no
population in the census reports were excluded from the study
as being too small.
Wavelength: The best results from the single wavelength
scenes were obtained with the L-band imagery. The poorest
results were from the X-band imagery, with the C-band
accuracies falling in between. This was true for both incident
Polarization: For the large incident angle data the C-tp image
was the most accurate of the C-band data, followed by the HV
and the VV images. A slight reverse in this ranking was
cvident for the L-band data. Here, the HV image was the best,
followed by the L-tp and the VV images. At the small incident
angle the best C-band image was the HV, followed by the HH
and VV; the rankings werc identical for the L-band data. For
all single image data sets the best polarization was the L-HV
Incident Angle: — The poorest accuracy was produced
consistently by the small incident angle images. Steep incident
angle imagery was not conduciveto settlement detection. When
imagery with the same wavelength and polarization but
different incident angles was compared (5 cases), the large
incident angle was significantly superior in every case.
Color Composite: There were three multispectral SAR data
sets generated as color composite images. The small incident
angle image was comprised of X-VV/C-HV/L-VV data, and
the two large incident angle images were combinations of X-
VV/L-HV/Ctp and X-VV/L-HV/C-HH. Each of the color
composite images evidenced a synergetic effect, compared to
the individual images. The accuracy of the multispectral SAR
image ranged from 11 per cent to 64 per cent better than the
individual bands that comprised the composite. The two large
incident angle color composites were the most accurate images
of all 17 SAR image data sets.
Table 1 lists the respective images, their accuracy, and number
of commission errors. As can be seen, the detection ranged
from a high of 96.2 per cent for the X-VV/C-HV/L-VV LIA
(Large Incident Angle) composite to a low of 17.0 per cent for
the X-VV SIA (Small Incident Angle) image. The L-HV LIA
image produced the third highest accuracy (83.0%), and the L-
tp image was tied with the SIA color composite (81.1%) for
fourth best.
The worst image was the X-band, VV polarized imag
. acquired at the small incident angle. The greatest number of
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996
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