Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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calculating the ;NDVIo' have ob&en 
shown, empirically and 
theoretically, to be related) to 
fAPAR in vegetation canopies 
(Ruimy- et.al-,.19949 I Although 
there are several possible 
jimitations to such an 
inference, it.'does "appear that 
an epproximation of-chis fAPAR 
can. be derived from the NDVI 
(Myneni and Williams, 1994. 
Ruimy et.altv. (309949, S938fter an 
extensive Search ‘through °the 
literature, tabulated various 
relationships between fAPAR and 
NDVI developed by different 
workers. Forli Ehe, present, study 
relationship based on SATL 
model simulation was used which 
is represented as: 
FAPAR = -0.31+1.33*NDV] 
The '10 day composited NDVI> data 
was first averaged to give 
average monthly NDVI for. laii 
che Jcthree^yvears. Calibrations 
for negative values on land in 
the NDVI data were made din way 
to set the bare: soil fAPAR to 
zero. This calibrationmkrequired 
a uniform. enhancement. of 9.1 
NOVI units in. the: data. From 
average monthly NDYVI;, fAPAR for 
each month was calculated using 
the above equation. 
5.2 Absorbed Photosynthetically 
Active Radiations (APAR) 
The APAR ‘calculations: required 
IPAR ‘and  fAPAR data sets for 
India. Monthly TAPAR ^data get 
of India for: ithe [three years 
Was generated’ as described in 
the previous step. ‘The “monthly 
Indian IPAR data extracted from 
TOMS global data set of .Dye 
(1995) was scombined with the 
respective; fAPAR data to giye 
monthly APAR in MJ m : 
Assuming the agricultural areas 
mapped above as constant for 
ail the three years, the 
agricultural APAR was extracted 
using the agricultural areas 
mask already generated. 
5.3 Agricultural NPP, biomass 
and production 
Agricultural "NPP is defined dn 
the "present study as the ^ dry 
matter (both “above ground: and 
below ground) produced pér unit 
agricultural area and, biomass 
as the total ary matter 
Produced. Production is defined 
es the dry matter partitioned 
into economic yield. 
The conversion. ofo^APAR - into 
productivity requires COnVver- 
sion elficiencies sof APAR: into 
dry matter (es) of various 
Crops. Since we ‚had only. an 
agricultural areas map where 
different crops are not identi- 
fied, therefore, a mean, conver- 
sion. efficiency value for iialll 
the Cult ivat ions is required 
forececuse Intithe ‘model. Ruimy 
et.al (1994) conducted an 
extensive literature survey and 
tabulated tne € values for 
different 'tCypes of ^vegetation 
reported byil.dgdifferent workers. 
puttmost of:*the workers report: 
ed ve.tvalues.in terms ‘of. above 
ground dry matter only. TO 
Overcome this‘ problem they also 
seanched through Chess literature 
to lestimate.5a mean. ratio. of 
below ground NPP to above 
ground NPBS and arrived at Sa 
value of 0.24 for.cultivatiorns. 
Based on this factor they 
arrived ar ‚a ‚Mean € value of 
2.07 g dry matter (above ground 
and below ground) MJ of APAR 
for) cultivations For’ converting 
APAR- datasiüntos NPP. This value 
was usedio'for^' converting APAR 
data into. agricultural NPP and 
biomass in the present study. 
The biomass can. be! converted to 
agricultural production using 
thet (Harvest Index © (HD): values 
of! various: cropst.S HI valuest for 
major: summer: and winter. crops, 
locally>"known as Kharif and 
Rabi crops, respectively, were 
collected through literature 
Survey. An area weighted aver- 
age HI for summer and winter 
season cCvops waso/calculated:s*as 
05 2775. and 0.279, respectively. 
These values were used to 
calculate :ohesmoncHly !produc- 
tion from monthly NPP. 
5.4 Annual and Interannual 
variations in biomass and 
The monthly agricultural NPP 
and biomass produced in the 
Indian Sterritory 'agdicalcul ated 
using the above steps are shown 
in table Lo. The NPP and 
consequently biomass starts 
building.supsin-oJanuary .efter 
the Sowing of winter Season 
Crops in December.’ It reaches 
its peak in the month of 
February/ March due to peak 
vegetative: growthi of fithes crops 
and then drops suddenly in 
April due Lo harvesting of 
winter Crops. The biomass 
generation ‘remains’ ‘low in itahe 
summer months of Mayj.and.-June 
and again starts building up in 
July/August due to onset of 
monsoon and  growth'":of^ summer 
Ccrops. 7 This:?sagain reaches dts 
peak in September/October and 
then falls suddenly in November 
due to harvesting of summer 
crops-.csSowing :of:winter^' season 
crops starts in the end Of 
November or December and there- 
fore, the biomass remains low 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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